19 (S.M)

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"I can't believe you really came" Taehyung snuggled into Jungkooks chest. He was lying in between his legs while Jungkook was propped up against the beds headboard. He was very much enjoying the treatment he was receiving. Jungkook's fingers running through his hair, massaging his scalp. "I can't believe I fell for it too"

Jungkook let out a small giggle listening to Tae pout.

"I'm serious" he propped his chin up onto Jungkook's chest so he could look up at his baby. "How long are you staying?"

"How long do you want me to stay?"


His hand froze in Tae's hair. He fought back the smile that was threatening to break free, needing to focus on what he was about to ask and Tae was unknowingly distracting him with his flirtatious remarks.

Clearing his throat he finally gained the courage to ask what had been weighing down his mind today. "Tae?"

"Hmm?" Resuming his original position with his cheek smushed into Jungkooks chest he only hummed in response.

"Umm..I'm not sure how to go about asking this," He swallowed away his nerves. "You and Jimin...I'm not coming in between you two, am I?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well it's just...you two seem distant. Is that because of me? Is it because he told me that I can go to him? Im not going to, you know I only like you. But sometimes I can't tell if he's joking or not. And I can see it getting to you so.."

"Hold up" Taehyung sat himself up. "He what?"


"He confessed to you? That he likes you?"

Jungkook's eyes widened. Taehyung looked angry. The way he had gritted out those words, his vein showing so clearly along the side of his neck.

"No, that's not what I...I shouldn't have said anything"

"Shouldn't have said anything? So it could be kept a secret between you two?" Tae scoffed as he shoved himself away from Jungkook, resting back on his heels.

"No...that's not...just listen.." he too sat up and grabbed Taehyung's face between his hands. Holding him so he couldn't escape, or possibly run to Jimins room to do god knows what.

He almost flinched at the look Taehyung was holding in his eyes. Anger, confusion maybe betrayal were present.

"Tae" calling his name as softly as he could, regretting his decision to bring anything up. He just always believed that a relationship was built on trust and communication. If he hadn't said anything it would be like keeping something from Tae, deceiving him.

Pulling the elder down slightly, he kissed him. A soft peck to try and soothe whatever thoughts he was having.

"He didn't confess that he likes me." He spoke against Tae's lips. "He just said that he found me attractive but he would never come between you and I. That if you messed up and I didn't want to be with you that I could go to him. That's all that was said. I promise."

Pecking his lips once more he pulled away to look into his eyes, noticing some of the storm had dissipated.

"That fucking midget" Falling forward onto the smaller, Jungkook fell back until his back hit the bed and Taehyung hovered over him. "Yes, he's messing with me. Everything he told you is also true. But the flirting and the touches are just to fuck with my head." Caressing Jungkook's cheek and lips as he spoke. "He's the devil I swear."

"I know. I just.."


"When what?"

"When did you two have this conversation?"

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