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"When are you going to tell us about this boyfriend of yours?"

Jungkook cringed, not at all wanting to have this conversation with his mom and aunt. Especially over dinner. A dinner where his uncle and Yoongi were also present.

He turned to his hyung, pleading him with his eyes to divert his aunts attention to something else. All of it for nothing when Yoongi just rolled his eyes and went back to his noodles, ignoring him.

Jungkook gasped when it happened. Never once has his Yoonie not come to the rescue when he had asked. Now, in his time of need, was Yoongi feigning ignorance to it all.

"Kook, baby. Tell us about him" his mother chimed in. She had placed her utensils down and sat with her elbows on the table, hands curled under her chin as if awaiting all the juicy details.

"Mooommmm" he groaned. Shrinking back in his sit with a pout, he cursed Yoongi in his head. Glaring at his side profile as he ate in peace, not a care in the world, while Jungkook on the other hand was trying to think of ways to get back at him for this betrayal.

"Stop staring at your hyung and tell us everything. You've been here almost a week and have told me nothing, always changing the subject"

"Mom, can we not?"

"No we will. I need to know if he deserves you"

Yoongi snorted off to the side, covering it up with a cough as he reached for water.

Sighing once again, he poked at his food. Being unable to keep any eye contact, he spoke in a low voice. "His name is Taehyung"

The two women waited for more but were soon disappointed when Jungkook had nothing more away. Nari pursed her lips and looked to Hina who wore the same displeased expression as her.

"Baby, I already know his name. Isn't there anything else?"

He only shrugged and sunk further down in his chair. The urge to run to his room and lock the door was sitting in the front of his mind. Jungkook was a shy child through and through. The thought of going into any kind of detail about his relationship with Taehyung had him closing off, unable to say more.

"Fine" Nari understood her son, he was shy and an introvert. Always kept to himself and had a hard time opening up about things. She took matters into her own hands and began gloating to her elder cousin about what she knew of hers son's boyfriend.

"Well I can assure you eonni, he is beautiful. You'd be very impressed" she ended it with a wink.

Jungkook tuned out the rest of the conversation, his appetite gone now as well as his ability to listen to the two women. That is until his mother waved her hand infront of his face, snapping him from his trance.


"I asked what time are you leaving tomorrow?"

"Oh? Umm hyung?" Not being sure himself, he asked his hyung since Yoongi was the one driving him.

"At 10" was all he said before excusing himself and sauntering off to his room. No one batted an eye as Yoongi left the room, it was a usual occurrence.


When his eyes finally took in his destination, his mouth hung open. Turning to his hyung, he found him mirroring his actions.

"Rich people" Yoongi closed his mouth and pulled forward into the roundabout drive, bringing the car to a stop. "Kook, you call me at any time and I'll be here in an instant. Ok?"

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