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After last night, Jungkook felt awkward around Taehyung. He all but confessed to him and then they spent the rest of the night cuddling. Well not exactly cuddling but they had lied side by side for a while. Until Jungkook returned to his own bed for the night.

This morning his stomach was doing flips every time he looked at Taehyung. And when the other would meet his eyes, he couldn't help but to cast his gaze elsewhere, anywhere but at him. Surely Taehyung had to be feeling the same way, but he wasn't acting like it. Smiling and talking to him like normal.

Maybe due to his inexperience, Jungkook was over reacting to what had transpired between them. He knew he didn't confess to him completely, but it was still there. Hidden beneath his words he had spoken.

He groaned and slumped his head down onto the table in the library. Namjoon had just left him and now he was alone with his thoughts, once again. He had crossed one hurdle and that was accepting his feelings for Taehyung. He had been torn for weeks and now he finally came to terms with them. He liked him, a lot.

Now the next hurdle was much harder. Convincing his hyung about Taehyung. Yoongi was set in his ways about him. He was adamant about his dislike towards Taehyung and most likely would never forgive him. But Jungkook wasn't going to give up. He would show Yoongi that Taehyung had changed and thankfully Namjoon was there to help him.

"How's my Kookie?" Jimin slid into the seat infront of him.

"Oh Jimin" he sat up and closed his books, moving them to the side. "Hi" he beamed.

"You're cute" Jimin leaned forward and ruffled his hair. "How's you and Tae?" Jimin had reached out to his friend earlier but had received nothing in return. Last night as well. He had a suspicion that his friend was ignoring him.

"We are good" heat ran to his cheeks as last night replayed again.

"What's that? You're blushing"

"Umm...well we talked is all and I guess we understand each other better now."

"Hmm? Well that's good. So everything was cleared up?" Jimin was dying to know who that guy was yesterday. He really didn't want to mess anything up between the two. He had been feeling guilty all night last night. And the fact that Taehyung wasn't replying wasn't helping.

"Cleared up? What do you mean?" He tilted his head to the side causing Jimins heart to melt into a gooey mess at the cute sight.

"Nevermind that. I saw you yesterday with someone. You two seemed close. A friend?"

"Yesterday? Oh my hyung came and visited."

The weight of potentially ruining Tae's and Jungkooks relationship was lifted. He knew he shouldn't have said anything, as it ended up being nothing. "Kookie can I tell you something?"


"I can tell by the blush that's sitting on your cheeks when we talk about Tae, I know you like him. And he also likes you.."

"Jimin what are you.."

"Give him a proper chance, don't let your doubts and insecurities get in the way. He genuinely cares for you. But if he messes up or hurts you, and you find yourself wanting to get away, I'm here."

"Jimin I'm not sure I understand" Was Jimin saying what he thought? Sure he was a huge flirt, but he had thought it was for fun.

"I'm not gonna deny the attraction I have for you. You're my type, through and through. But I'm not an indecent person. I would never come between you two and I don't want to. What I'm saying is, is that if things don't work out between you two that I could be an option."

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