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Next time? There was going to be a next time? That had his insides twisting up, and with Taehyungs confidence, he shivered under the thought.

Being this close to the other he couldn't help but notice the beauty marks that graced his skin. He focused on the one on his lips most, it was almost invisible but it was there, hiding in plain sight. Feeling the blush that was adorning his own skin deepen he bit back his thoughts and looked away before Taehyung would notice his excessive staring.

He didn't want to give Taehyung any inclination of the way he affected him. No, that would give Taehyung the upper hand and he needed to maintain it himself. He still wasn't sure how he felt about him, if his feelings meant more. And he was scared as hell that they did.

Only once did he believe he had a crush on someone. Turns out it was just admiration. He even embarrassed himself and confessed to said person, his Yoonie still picks on him today about. Namjoon on the other hand just laughs it off with a blush, as being on the receiving end of the confession.

Jungkook was 16 when he told his Joonie hyung that he had liked him for years. Four to exact. But quickly realized that it wasn't romantic at all. He just admired him. That's all there was to it. Thankfully Namjoon took it well and it didn't cause any awkwardness between the two, if anything it made them closer.

So it wasn't odd that right now he couldn't sort out his own feelings having never experienced anything romantic before. He found people attractive but that was the extent of it, nothing more.

Telling Taehyung that he wasn't sure what he felt for him was a no go. He didn't want to give the other false hope when it could end up being nothing just like what happened with Namjoon. "I don't think that you understand, maybe I don't feel the same way that you do"

All Taehyung did was smile, it wasn't arrogant or cocky. It was genuine and serene. Leaning forward, Jungkook could feel his breath hitting his cheek. "Don't underestimate me Kook, I messed up once on having you. That's not going to happen again"

Jungkook leaned back, he felt overwhelmed and small under the other, like always. He stood up pushing Taehyung back slightly by his shoulder. "Umm..I should probably go get something for dinner. I haven't eaten since this morning"

"I'll go with you"

Taehyung made to stand but Jungkook quickly stopped him. "No, that's ok. You don't need to do that."

"I insist. I haven't eaten yet either."

"Ok. Well I was just going to go to the campus canteen, is that ok with you?" He slipped his coat and beanie back on, finding Taehyung had done the same.

"That's fine."

Taehyung led the way to the eatery with Jungkook trailing behind him. Every now and again he'd turn around just to catch a glimpse of the others rosy cheeks shyly looking down as soon as their eyes met.

He only worried that he maybe was coming on too strong with Jungkook. He hasn't even been forgiven yet. But the thought of Jungkook with someone else makes him feel suffocated, the air already beginning to seep out of him at the mere notion of it. Jimin was really getting to him. Sure he's seen how others looked at Jungkook, but Jimin too? That little devil knew exactly how to push his buttons. Maybe taking a step back on the eagerness would be best. Although one look back at Jungkook had him wanting to pursue him even harder.

He had held back his attraction and like towards Jungkook because he was still holding out for the small boy that had his heart. Finding out they were the same person was an eye opener. He wasn't going to sit around and do nothing anymore.

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