chapter 25

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josephine lee

"I miss you," Jack says from his spot in bed, running his fingers through my hair just to tug it back. I groan at the feeling of him gripping my hair and move closer to him. "I'm right here." I say, swinging my leg over his lap to straddle him. I swivel my hips on him to ease all of my pent-up sexual tension. He smiles up at me lazily and grips my hips before tossing his head back. 


I shoot up out of bed and immediately check my phone for the time or any urgent messages. When I see that there is not a single message but the knocking continues as if something was an emergency I get out of bed. I shuffle towards the door and look through the peephole. "Are they fucking joking?" I say under my breath. 

I open the door to see a bunch of hockey boys standing in front of my door with grocery bags full of ingredients for pancakes. "Oh, thank god you're awake." Ethan says, pushing his way through the door. I step aside to let everyone else through, Luke coming inside last with an apology and a hug. "Guys, it's 7:00 AM."  remind them, turning my phone on to show them the time. 

They nod their heads, making me aware of the fact that they have an early practice today so for breakfast to happen, it had to be at this hour. I rub my eyes, yawning as I pull everything out of the bag and start whisking the ingredients together. When I hear another knock on the door I try my best to muffle my groan but smile when I see Mark with a cup of coffee. 

"Jack sent us your coffee order." He says, handing me a warm cup of coffee. "You're a lifesaver." I tell him, putting the coffee down before I continue to mix everything. They all closely watch me as I slap some butter onto the pan and pour the batter in. They could watch paint dry if it meant Reggie Lee did it before a game. 

"Who's getting the first one?" I ask, taking a sip of coffee as they all break into a series of rock, paper, scissors. Frank ends up putting down paper while Luke puts down scissors, winning the first pancake. "It's crazy that she's my sister and I still had to fight for my right to get the first pancake." Luke says, holding out his paper plate. 

After Luke, I make so many more that I lose count, but from my spot I watch the guys vacuum up every last slice. While scarfing it down Luke's friend Dylan keeps moaning from each bite leading to the team begging him to quiet down. He glares at everyone and instead of doing as they asked he moans even louder. 

I make myself a pancake and finish it while they clean up the kitchen, trying to leave thirty minutes before practice. "Thank you Josie that was the best breakfast I have ever consumed. I feel like a champion." Rutger says, shaking my body with both his hands on my arms. I thank them for yesterday and give each of them a hug before they walk out. 

"What time should I get there so I can be there for soundcheck?" Luke asks, letting all his teammates walk away. "5:30 and text me when you're outside so I can sneak you in from the back. There will already be girls outside and you cannot get caught up in all the drama." I tell him before he runs off to catch up with his friends. 

I close the door once he's out and start getting ready to head to the venue. I get dressed, do my makeup, and grab a bottle of water before meeting up with Scotty and Rico to leave the hotel. As we approach the venue I roll the window down and say hi to the girls waiting. "I'll see you guys soon." I smile, blowing them a kiss. 

I hop out of the car, running inside to meet up with the rest of my band and manager. "Good morning," I smile at Marj when I pass her. "It is a good morning, you haven't made any tabloids yet." she teases, sticking her tongue out at me before filling me in on what we have to do before I go on stage. 

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