chapter 7

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disclaimer: smut 

josephine lee

After the trials and tribulations between my band, Theo, and I we finally agreed on a setlist for the gala. The way that was handled was by handing Marj a bowl of folded paper and she had to pick ten pieces of paper. She didn't reveal the songs we'd be singing until we tossed the rest of the paper out so we'd stop arguing. 

Since then we've practiced those songs giving us time to perfect them. It kind of felt like band camp at first. We fucked up a lot, and have had long days of straight practicing. After one of our worst practices, my fingers felt raw and I swore I never wanted to look at a guitar ever again. Then the next day came along and I picked up my red electric guitar and got the riff I was struggling with down. 

The past two weeks of practicing have really paid off, I think working on different songs outside of our comfort zone helped make us better musicians. Theo and I got to test our vocals, pushing them to their limits, and finding a good rhythm with one another. Working with Theo has made me realize how much his voice has matured. 

But all that means a lot of nothing if we don't perform well tonight. Tonight is what matters. 

For the gala, I packed two black dresses one is a long long-sleeved dress and the other is a thin strapped dress with lace trimmings and tan tulle underneath. I'll admit when I heard what this dress looked like I thought who would make that, but when you see the vision come to life it's perfection. For jewelry, I'm going with a custom-made gold bow necklace. My fandom has turned ribbons tied into bows into our little thing. It's precious.

Theo is essentially wearing the same thing just changing into a different suit after he plays. I make sure to pack out bags because my brother being a 19-year-old boy is incapable of doing certain things. One of those things is packing a bag, and we have no time to leave items behind because it's a long way from home.

While my younger brother takes off to the restroom to shower I decide to make him some lunch because again he's a 19-year-old boy. I shovel the food onto a glass plate, handing it to him once he walks out of the restroom in his dress pants and no shirt. "Thanks, Jos." He smiles, letting me slide right past him to take a shower. 

Because I want to have enough time to get ready I don't run through my usual shower routine. Shampoo, Conditioner, exfoliate and shave legs, and while I'm shaving I put in a quick hair mask which I rinse out before turning the water off. I grab a towel off the rack while I'm still standing in the shower, wrapping it around my body to dry off. 

After drying off I grab some basic loungewear to put on while I do my hair and makeup. I keep my makeup like my everyday look which is heavy black shadow but for the special occasion, I had some black shimmer on my lid. I run with a deep red for my lip, making sure to pack the lipstick into my bag so I can reapply if needed. I spritz my face with setting spray and pull my hair out of the clip it's in.

I wrap my hair around the hot wand when I hear a soft knock at the restroom door. "Come in." I yell out, moving aside for Theo to walk in. I look down at his hands noticing one of my plates with a grilled cheese on it. In the other hand, he holds a glass of ice water and my vitamins. "Ted," I pout, using the nickname I pull out when he's being a sweetheart.

"It's not much, but it's what I can make." He shrugs, brushing off the sweet gesture. "No hon, this is so sweet. Thank you." I hug him before shooing him away so I can continue to get ready. I close the door once he's gone and resume curling the rest of my hair, coating it in a thin layer of hairspray to hold the curls. 

Once my hair and makeup are all done I carefully slip on my dress careful not to pull my curls down or ruin my makeup. I spray my favorite vanilla perfume on because I love smelling like a sugar cookie. I grab my bag and rush out of my room listening to the satisfying click of my heels. "Alright Ted, let's get a move on." I shout, watching him put some cologne on before jamming it into one of the pockets in my bag. 

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