chapter 30

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josephine lee

I push up on my tippy toes to look through the peephole like a creep waiting for Jack to walk up to the door even though he texted me a minute ago that he was putting the code in. I wait for him to knock, watching him click out of an app, and put his phone in his pocket. I open the door listening to him laugh into my neck while we hug when he calls me out on already being at the door and still waiting for him to knock. 

"You're ruining my mysterious front." I tell him, locking the door once we're both inside. He furrows his eyebrows, pretending to think to himself before pointing out that I am the one destroying the front I had put up for so long. I roll my eyes, softly rubbing my hands over his shoulders. He groans, tossing his head to the side at the contact, squeezing my hips to silently ask me to continue. 

I press my thumbs over the fabric of his shirt and ask, "What's going on with your shoulders?" Wondering what he did to make them feel so tense and full of knots. I walk him over to my couch as he mutters out his response. "Really fucking sore." he sighs. I kiss his neck from behind before running off to grab some lotion and oil to help me rub his back better. 

I make my way over to him with both bottles in my hand and tell him to take his shirt off while I pull off my rings from my fingers. He chuckles and lifts his shirt over his head. "Just got here and you're already trying to make me strip." He teases under his breath. I shush him as I hand him the remote to let him play whatever he wants while I massage him.

He clicks on New Girl to pick up where we last left off as I pump some lotion onto my hand. I rub my hands together to warm the lotion up before starting on his left shoulder, pressing my thumbs into his skin as I look for the knots that I intend on rubbing out. His head falls to the side, groaning softly as I knead his skin with my hands.

I listen to him wince over the TV show and say, "Josie, this feels amazing." He says slightly out of breath. I  move my hands in circular motions to get out as many knots as I can and move on to the other side. I grab some more lotion and press my hands onto his skin, making him tense up from how many knots there are. "I need you to relax, so I can rub them out." I murmur against his skin pressing a kiss onto his shoulder, feeling him drop his shoulders under my lips.

I use the palm of my hand to get into certain places that need a deeper rub and by the time I'm finished, most of his knots are gone. He rolls his shoulders back without a groan and lets out a sigh of relief. Using the excess lotion I rub his neck to help loosen him up for tonight. Once my hands are dry I pat his shoulders and press another kiss to the side of his neck, making him hum.

"Where'd you learn how to do that?" He asks as I jump over the back of my couch to plop down right beside him. I look at his red shoulders and tell him how Theo used to make me give him a shoulder massage every other day, because of his poor posture "The kid looked like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, so I just got good at it over time." 

He nods along with what I'm saying maintaining eye contact while I flick my eyes down to his lips when I catch his tongue darting out to lick his lips. I look away to notice that he's watching me eye him with a smirk on his face. His hand gently grabs my jaw and pulls my face closer to him. "Backs not the only thing that's sore. My lips could use a good massage." He jokes as my lips hover over his, feeling them brush against mine with each word. 

He meshes his lips with mine, putting one of his hands behind him to slowly lower himself onto my couch. Once he's fully laid back I crawl over him to straddle his waist and continue to kiss him as if I have been starved of his affection. I roll my hips over him, doing everything that feels natural, and turn the kiss into more after he takes my shirt off. 

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