chapter 11

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josephine lee

I'm running around my house, grabbing everything I need to take to the venue where we're hosting my party. Theo carries a bunch of Amazon packages full of birthday decorations out the door and puts them in the back of my car. I am calling out orders to my friends when my phone starts buzzing. I want to just hit the ignore button because I'm so overwhelmed but when I see it's Dad I answer. 

"Hi Dad," I take a deep breath after focusing my attention on him. "Hi sweetheart, happy twenty-first birthday." He says sweetly, momentarily distracting me from all the tasks I need to complete today. Something about the way my Dad's voice has never changed can transport me back to a time before my age was double digits. 

I listen to him on the phone and feel like the same little girl that I was twelve years ago. "Alright, well I know you're very busy today, I'll see you tomorrow for some lunch. Happy birthday Jos, I love you." He says, before letting me go. I tuck my phone back into my back pocket, getting back to work to get my party on track. 

Once everything arrives at the venue I leave it to the decorators I hired to bring my vision to life. I let them do their thing and go to the back rooms where my hairstylist and makeup artist are setting up their stations. My hairstylist starts curling my hair and putting it in rollers so that while Stassie, my makeup artist does my makeup it has time to sit. 

Stassie skillfully dabs in my makeup, tapping her small shadow brush to paint my eyelids with a silver shadow. I feel her blending the pigment into my crease while I hum along with the music playing. Once she's all done, she sprays my face with setting spray and lets me do my mascara. My hair gets pulled out of the rollers and after an hour my hair is bouncy and voluminous. 

I thank them a million times before letting them touch up their hair and makeup for my party. I put on my short black dress with tall heels that wrap around my ankle into a big bow. I throw on my accessories and spray some perfume, and I'm good to go. 

As I walk towards the big room I hear my friends yelling "Happy birthday!" running over to me to tackle me in a hug

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As I walk towards the big room I hear my friends yelling "Happy birthday!" running over to me to tackle me in a hug. This catches the rest of the room's attention as they pile over to come to wish me a good twenty-first birthday. I squeeze their hands tightly as I try to make my way through the room. 

Once I'm through I get to the bar where I'm handed a shot and a pair of scissors. I chuckle at the bartender as I fish out my fake ID from my bra. I was told to bring it but wasn't told why. I cut my fake ID in half, saying goodbye to Beth Lee from California. I place the cut-up card on the silver platter and knock back my first legal shot. 

I stand by the bouncers, greeting the people who walked in just to get the formalities over with. I sip my lime margarita when I see the list the two bouncers left while they went to the bathroom. I snatch the paper up, curious to see who all was invited. I read through the alphabetized list and stop when I get to 'Jack Hughes'. I put the paper down, and run away from the door looking for Meredith. 

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