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|  A  A  R  U  S  H  |

We three were sitting in the dining hall having our breakfast. A peaceful silence was there when mom thought to break it.

"Aarush, are you free today?"

My eyes shot up towards her direction and I nodded silently. Because I knew what was coming next.

"Mr Aggarwal wants you to meet his daughter."

I sighed, I was tired of these everyday arguments in which my mother kept telling me I should get married and I kept telling her that I need some time. But for how long will I keep refusing her. I don't want to see her sad.


"No Aarush this time your mother is saying absolutely correct. You are 29 now and it's high time for you to get married."

My father, Raghav Rathore said in a calm yet authoritative voice.  And here was the end of the argument, I can never argue with Dad. He always supported me in every stage even in this marriage thing, he kept telling mom that I need a little more time on myself, to improve myself, to establish my business empire more and if I get married then I will be distracted from my track. But now he himself was telling me to get married and he must have done this after thinking about something. He is my father and he will never think bad for myself.

I nodded slowly and he continued further.

"Aarush, beta I know you are not ready to get married but think about yourself from my perspective.One or the other day everyone has to settle down, whether you like it or not but it is the truth of life. You are 29 now-"

Mom interrupted him and said in a loud voice while glaring at me and I couldn't do anything but look down.

"Exactly, that's what I am saying. You are now 29 Aarush. When will you get married? After 60 years? No girl will even look in your direction. And if you get married so late then when will you have kids? Your child will also wonder whether you are his father or grandfather?"

I choked on the air and looked in the direction of Dad who was already giving me a sympathetic look.

"Mom I-"

"What I, you are getting married and that's final."

Mom said cutting my words off in the middle.

"Mom but I don't like Mr Aggrawal's daughter."

"So there is no problem, meet someone else. See, we are not forcing you to marry someone we are just saying that you should get married. You can choose your partner Aarush, it's your choice who you want to be with. I just want to see you married and happy. I will be really happy if you find a girl for yourself. So think about it."

She said and I nodded.

After finishing my breakfast, I looked at my wrist watch.

"Mom, I should go now. I am getting late."

She nodded and I walked towards my car after wishing them.

We reached the company and the guards immediately came to open the door for me.

I stepped down from the car and saw everyone wishing and slightly bowing in front of me.

I walked inside the building and as I was walking further all the employees were wishing me on which I was just nodding and sometimes ignoring.

The Reluctant Union(#2 His Enigmatic Union)Where stories live. Discover now