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The target for last chapter was just 50 votes, which I guess was not too much. Even 25 percent of readers do not vote on the chapter.

Who are voting and commenting on the chapter, thank you soo much and if you guys want you can scroll down and start reading. This message is not for you because you do the part of your job.

This message is for them who find voting someone's story worthless. I am not forcing you to vote, if you don't find my book worth your votes than you can gladly leave from here. There is no need to read further. And if you are reading that means you are enjoying it and you are hooked to it. Then what's the problem in voting?

I am really sorry if I am sounding rude. But deep down I am hurt. It takes a lot of hard work in preparing a single chapter and you guys don't even vote.

Voting doesn't cost anything, it's completely free and serves as a small gesture of appreciation which truly makes my day. If you are worried that I will earn from your votes then you also know, I will not get even a single penny of money if you will vote on my chapters.

A vote is just a sign of appreciation. It will give me only motivation and emotional happiness. It won't provide me any money.

Again I didn't wanted to hurt anyone with my words. It's just I wanted to tell that your votes and comments matters to me.

Alright guyss. Today's chapter is one of my favourite chapters of this book. You will finally get to see the blurb or prologue. Hope you will like it.

And I want everyone's fingers on their screen so you all can comment because in this chapter I want lots and lots of comments...

Happy reading 💗


  |  A  A  R  U  S  H  |

I rushed towards my room as I forgot to take the file with me and this file is very important in today's meeting.

I was going upstairs when I heard dad's voice. I frowned, didn't he go to company today? I started walking in the opposite direction of my room, towards my parents room.

I was about to knock on the door, when their conversation caught my attention.

It was again about me. About my marriage.

"Of course I will treat my daughter in law as my own daughter. I will take care of her." Mom said with a dreamy sigh while I heard dad chuckling at her words.

"When you have already planned all this, then also tell me what kind of daughter-in-law you want."

I heard dad saying but the next words of my mother shocked me.

"Someone like Advika, Aarush's secretary."


"Ohh yeah, she is one amazing and hardworking girl."

"That's what I am saying na Raghav, I really want a daughter-in-law like her."

My eyes fell on my wrist watch.

Shit, I was getting late.

Taking the file I hurriedly drove towards the company and started the meeting.

But the problem was that I couldn't concentrate on meeting. My mind was remembering my parents words again and again.

And Advika sitting opposite to me was not at all helping. She was paying her all attention towards the meeting whereas my attention was on her.

The Reluctant Union(#2 His Enigmatic Union)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat