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Advika directly went inside her bedroom and closed the door with a thud. Ishani, Advika's younger sister looked towards her mother and raised her one eyebrow to which her mother just shrugged, not knowing what happened to her daughter.

"What happened to her Anjali? " Manish, Advika's father asked about her to his wife.

"I don't know, maybe something happened in the office. Don't worry I will definitely talk to her"

Manish nodded at Anjali's words while Ishani was looking at the closed door of her sister's room.

She knew something was wrong with her. And how could she not know? She was her younger sister. Both of them have supported each other since childhood. She knew that her sister was sad.

And somewhere she also knew the reason for her sadness.

She walked upstairs and knocked on her sister's door. She waited for an answer but she got nothing. After one minute she was again going to knock on the door when a soft voice reached her ears.

"You can come in, ishu"

Ishani smiles at her sister's reply. They both know each other very well. Even without saying anything Advika understood that it was Ishani behind the door.

Ishani slowly enters inside the room and sees Advika sitting on the bed quietly.

"Dii, are you fine? "

"Hmm ishu, I am fine. "

Ishani sighed on Advika's words. She knows her dii always tries to act strong and she is strong but she can pour her feelings here, she can tell everything to her and she can be real Advika in front of her, she can express her feelings to her. She doesn't have to show off.

Ishani sat beside Advika and engulfed her in a comforting hug. Advika couldn't keep her feelings to herself and let her tears flow from her eyes. She sobbed on her sister's shoulder.

"He is going to marry Riya. Ishu, they are going to marry each other. "

Ishani rubbed her sister's back. What can she do now? She was also shocked when she saw the video which was going viral on social media.

After consoling Advika, Ishani walked towards her room and soon sleep engulf her.

Advika took a deep breath and moved downstairs to finally meet her mother-father after all the waiting she caused.

She stepped into the living room and found her parents laughing at each other as they were talking about something.

"Maa, I am really very hungry. "

Anjali and Manish turned towards their daughter and saw her pouting.

Anjali immediately gets up from her seat and takes Advika to the dining room.

She fed Advika  rajma-chawal with her own hands and Advika's mood lifted immediately.

After eating she sat with her parents and had a nice talk with them and soon everybody retired to their rooms.

Advika was just staring at the ceiling of her bedroom. She knows crushing over her boss would not lead her anywhere. And she also knows that she cannot just stop liking him suddenly. This is real life not a freaking movie, the things here are far different from the romantic movies and books which have those lovey-dovey office romance. It is not a daily soap but a real life.

And now she got the solution to her problems. She just can't cry over these things again and again.

She has thought that she will maintain distance from him. She will not look at him, she will not try to talk to him which surely irritates him to the core, she will stop smiling towards him and most necessary she will only show him up when he has some work.

She will not roam around him just to catch his attention and make him talk to her. Now she will work professionally.

She nodded to herself and switched off the lights to sleep.           


Advika woke up by a loud scream of her sister. She hissed in her sleep and kept a pillow on her ear in order to rescue herself from her sister's assault.

She was about to go in her deep sleep again when her sister chose to shake her vigorously.

Advika groaned and slapped her sister's hand, she turned to sleep more but her sister's next words made her eyes jerked open.

"Aarush Rathore confirms that he is no longer in a relationship with Riya Malhotra and about the marriage thing it was a slip of tongue from Riya. She doesn't mean that and Aarush also said that he was not even serious about their relationship, so how does this marriage thing come up? It was just a misunderstanding and he cleared that he broke up his one month relationship with Riya Malhotra."

Advika sat up straight and snatched the phone from Ishani's hand. She read the article and a flood of happiness came inside her.


The next chapter is finally here. And I just wanted to tell you all that there is no specific updating schedule for this book.

This book will contain slow updates till I am back on the track.

Few words about the chapter?

You can ask any questions about me  or about the book or about the characters. Totally your wish!

Your feedback will be appreciated.

Thank you.

Lots of love

The Reluctant Union(#2 His Enigmatic Union)Where stories live. Discover now