-Chapter 19 Lotr-

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Back to the field with the troll statues

Maira and Míriel now look at the cloud of dust that appeared after this presumably person landed here. Maira has already drawn her sword and waits until the dust cloud disappears, but what she sees is not what she expected because there lies a young woman, maybe in her late teens to early twenties. She has golden hair, which she has never seen before, and she wears weird clothing with a cape, a weird hat, and a sword at her side. Maira gestures to Míriel to stay back, and she now walks closer to the person. With a closer inspection, she realizes that this person is unconscious. Míriel then comes closer and asks, "who is she?" Maira looks at her adopted daughter with a deadpan expression, answering, "how would I know? I haven't even talked to her." Míriel now looks at Maira in confusion. "Aren't you like a god? You should know these things." Maira looks at Míriel with an even bigger deadpan expression. "That's not how this works." Míriel wants to continue, "but–" but Maira interrupts her. "No buts, I can't know who this is." At that, Míriel sighs, saying, "okay, it was worth a shot." Maira just rolls her eyes and continues, "so what are we going to do with her?" Míriel shrugs, saying, "I don't know, you are the boss." Maira gets a tick mark at that statement, but she instantly calms down and thinks for a moment. "We could take her because we can't just let her die here," Míriel nods but asks, "what if she is hostile?" At this, Maira puffs her chest proudly, saying, "we have me, what is she going to do?" Míriel nods at that and says, "fair enough." With that, they decide and move to carry her, but just as they want to lift the woman up, her eyes open. Maira and Míriel jump back. Maira looks at her eyes intrigued, while Míriel is shocked. She has never seen such empty eyes before, as if the woman couldn't feel anything. While Míriel is still shocked, Maira walks closer to the woman. She instantly looks at her and says something. "W-who are you?" Maira looks at her in interest. She thinks, 'her voice is shaky as if she has just learned the language, and she speaks in a weird accent.' The woman now looks confused and says something. "Q-Quid est hoc sermone? (W-what is this language?)" Maira is even more intrigued. She thinks, 'a language I don't know? Interesting.' She then decides to answer her first question, saying, "I am Maira, nice to meet you." She then asks, "may I know your name?" The woman nods, and while still confused on how she can understand Maira, she now knows to call her answers, "m-mihi nomen est Aurelia (m-my name is Aurelia)." At the confused expression of Maira, Aurelia quickly changes the language. "M-my name is Aurelia." Her words are still shaky, but Maira understands. She nods and answers, "well, nice to meet you, Aurelia." She then asks, "how did you end up here?" At that question, even though Aurelia's eyes show no emotion, Maira can sense the reluctance in her. "You don't need to tell us if you don't want to," but Aurelia shakes her head and says, "no, I think I need someone to know." So she begins to tell Maira, and by extension also Míriel, how she ended up here and how she was defending the city of her emperor. Just as she wanted to continue, she was interrupted by Maira asking, "what is an emperor?" At that, Aurelia thinks for a moment and answers, "well, it's like a king, but I think you could say, higher?" While Míriel doesn't fully understand, she still nods and gestures Aurelia to continue. She promptly nods and continues, "so I was defending the city, but I couldn't do much, so the armies of the enemy entered the city and deposed the emperor, and in that moment, I died." Now Maira looks confused and asks, "how do you die when your emperor is deposed?" Aurelia again thinks for a moment before deciding to answer, "well, let's just say, I was connected to him with a magical bond." Maira knows that this isn't the full truth but decides to not ask anymore for the moment. So Aurelia continues saying, "and after I died, I woke up here, seeing you." Aurelia decides to leave the story in the void and her psychotic breakdown out of the story because she doesn't want any more questions. She then says, "the bad part is that this could have been prevented if these people had not betrayed me."Míriel shrinks back at the pure madness and venom in the word 'betrayed,' while Maira thinks, 'this is pure hatred in the form I have only heard of when talked about me or Morgoth.' Aurelia, still muttering about betrayal, now snaps out of it and says, "sorry," while shaking her head. Maira answers,
"no problem, I can imagine how painful it is getting betrayed." At these words, a shadow forms over Aurelia's face, and she nods, saying, "yes, if I could get my hands on these traitors..."But before she can start getting into a craze about the betrayal, she catches herself, saying, "again, sorry," and Maira smiles, saying, "and again, it's no problem." They now sit there in a somewhat comfortable silence before Míriel gets up and says, "shouldn't we start heading towards Rivendell?" Maira also stands up and says, "yes, we should go now." Aurelia now looks confused and asks, "what's Rivendell?" Maira promptly answers, saying, "it's a kingdom of elves." Aurelia now looks intrigued. "Elves?" Míriel nods, saying, "yes." She then continues, "we need to head there for a meeting with the Lord of Rivendell." Aurelia then thinks for a short moment before also getting up from the floor, shaking a bit before regaining her balance and asking, "might I join you because being alone here doesn't seem like a pleasant experience?" Míriel looks at Maira as if asking, 'can she come?' And Maira nods, saying, "yes, I just wanted to ask you to join us anyway so you can join." At that, Aurelia does her best to smile and says, "thank you." Maira smiles back and says, "no thanks needed." They then stand there for a moment before hearing Míriel call out from the distance with an impatient tone, "hey! Could you stop flirting? We don't have all day." At that, Maira looks at Míriel with an annoyed expression, mumbling a quiet, "shut up," before moving over to her adoptive daughter with Aurelia following with a confused expression, thinking, 'What did she mean with flirting?' But she soon shakes it off and walks besides Míriel, who follows Maira as she has never before been in Rivendell.

(I hope you liked this chapter. I am shortening the chapters to approximately 1000 words so that I can try to write chapters faster and still hope to keep some form of quality, if there even is any. Anyways, bye!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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