-Chapter 5 Hobbit-

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        -POV Bilbo-

After I woke up, I started to look around, but the house was completely cleaned up, and there were no dwarves in sight. I yelled, "Hello?" while not expecting an answer, and as I thought, I didn't get a response. However, as I entered the living room, I saw that they had left the contract behind, and it was signed by Thorin, son of Thráin, and Balin, son of Fundin.

       -POV Maira-

I decided to stay in Bag-End to see what the hobbit would do. If he chose to stay, I would go somewhere else, but if he decided to go with them, I planned to follow him because I thought I could find some amusement in doing so. Now that he had woken up and signed it, I needed to figure out how to follow them. Should I just follow them on foot, or should I come up with a better plan? I considered that if I followed them on foot and they went somewhere that required more than that, it could be problematic. So, I had a better idea. I teleported behind Bilbo and sank into his shadow. He still turned around as if he heard me, which should not be possible whatsoever. I needed to be cautious, as everything I said would be heard in his head. I didn't want to be discovered, nor did I want him to think he was going insane from hearing voices in his head. Whatever, he is now running out of Hobbiton, and one Hobbit still asks, "Mr. Bilbo, why the rush?" But Bilbo just shouts back, "I don't have time; I'm going on an adventure!" I'm now thinking about what fun things we will face on this adventure.

-Time skip brought to you by Maira stalking Bilbo -

The dwarves are riding through a light forest on their ponies, while Gandalf rides a horse. Just then, Bilbo, and by extension, me, caught up with them. Bilbo yells at them, "Wait, wait!" He goes to Balin to hand him the contract and exclaims, "I signed it." Balin takes out a magnifying glass, examines the signature, and then puts it away, looking at Bilbo, saying, "Welcome, Bilbo Baggins, to the companionship of Thorin Oakenshield."

Bilbo looks satisfied until Thorin says, "Give him a pony," and the satisfaction on his face turns to denial. "Wait, I don't need a pony; I can walk with you. I wander often." But the dwarves want nothing to do with that and promptly lift him onto a pony. I almost snicker at that. As he goes stiff, the dwarves start throwing money bags to one another. I think I know what they're doing, but Bilbo asks Gandalf, "What are they doing?" Gandalf looks at him and says, "They bet."

Bilbo looks confused, "About what?" Gandalf answers, "If you would show up or not." "And what did you believe?" Bilbo asks Gandalf. Gandalf looks back up front before catching a little bag of cash and then he says, "Bilbo, my lad, I never once questioned you." I grin at that; yes, he didn't.

As we continued on, Bilbo sneezes and clarifies, "Horsehair," while looking for something to clean his nose. But then he says, "Wait! We need to turn back; I forgot my handkerchiefs at home." The dwarves just look somewhat annoyed, while I sweatdrop. However, Bofur rips something off his jacket and throws it at Bilbo, saying, "Here." Bilbo catches it and looks at it somewhat disgusted, which I agree with. I mean, when was this thing last washed? But Thorin just turns his pony back around and says, "And going on."

While Gandalf holds a speech to Bilbo about leaving behind all the comfort of his home and that he will have to get around without his handkerchiefs or other luxuries as long as he is on this adventure, I question myself what the dwarves found that made a dragon come knocking at their gate. I know that Erebor was rich, but there had to be a final straw that got the dragon to show up.

-Time skip presented to you by an epic traveling cutscene.-

It is now raining, and fortunately, I'm not getting wet because I'm still in Bilbo's shadow. However, everyone else is getting really wet. Then one of the dwarves looks over at Gandalf and asks, "Gandalf, can't you do something about this downpour?" But Gandalf just answers, "It's raining, master. Dwarf, and it's going to continue to rain until it stops. If you want someone who can change the weather, you will need to find another wizard."

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