-Chapter 13 Hobbit-

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-POV Third Person-

After Thorin said that, everyone hears a rumbling in the distance, and the armies look up to see the ridge covered with troops of heavily armored dwarves, leading them is a dwarf on a war hog. Maira thinks, "What is it with these ridiculous riding mounts?" Gandalf says, "Ironfoot." The dwarves in Erebor begin cheering as they see their reinforcements arriving. Thranduil shouts, "-Ribo i thangail!-" [Rush the shield-fence!] and rides through the rows of elves as they turn and begin rapidly marching in the direction of the dwarves. Gandalf goes with them. Bilbo, needing to run to keep up, asks Gandalf, "Who is that? He doesn't look very happy." Gandalf answers, "It is Dain, lord of the Iron Hills - Thorin's cousin."

Bilbo then asks if they're alike. Gandalf answers, saying, "I always found Thorin the more reasonable of the two." The armies halt a short distance from one another, and Dain rides forward onto a rocky overlook, saying, "Good morning! How are we all? I have a wee proposition if you wouldn't mind giving me a few moments of your time. Would you consider... just sodding off! All of you - right now!" The townspeople clutching their weapons step back in fear, while the elves draw their swords.

Dain continues, "All of you - right now!" Bard yells to his people, "Stand fast!" Gandalf strides forward, "Come now, Lord Dain!" Dain looks at him, saying, "Gandalf the Grey. Tell this rabble to leave, or I'll water the ground with their blood!" Gandalf denies, "There is no need for war between dwarves, men, and elves! A legion of orcs march on the mountain. Stand your army down!"

Dain says, "I will not stand down before any elf! Not least this faithless woodland sprite! He wishes nothing but ill upon my people! If he chooses to stand between me and my kin - I'll split his pretty head open! See if he's still smirking then!" Thranduil smiles furiously, saying, "He's clearly mad, like his cousin."

Before Dain can say more, a booming sound is heard behind him, and everyone is shocked. He turns around to see a person in silver armor stepping out of the lightning. Dain, bewildered, says, "And who are you now? Some new elf? And how did you get all that mithril for this clearly elven armor?"

She smiles and says, "I grabbed it from the depths of Moria. And before you get mad that I stole dwarves' treasure, Moria is, as far as I know, owned by orcs at the moment, so everything inside is stolen from orcs, not from dwarves." Dain looks flabbergasted, and she continues, "As for who I am, I am a messenger of Mahal (Aule)," the dwarves look shocked. She whispers to herself, "Not anymore," but only Gandalf hears her. She continues, "Will you listen to the advice of your maker and stop fighting elves? There are orcish armies approaching."

Dain looks at her with some respect, believing her. He then asks, "These orc armies, can you tell me where they are? I don't see any." Maira points in the direction of the other hills in the distance, saying, "There." In that moment, they all hear a roar as they look in the direction where Maira was pointing. Two large earthworms break from the ground. Dain says, "Oh, come on!" Maira then says, "We can settle the differences between our two parties after the battle. For now, let us fight together against the orcs."

Dain, knowing he can't say much against that, nods. Then, a voice is heard - it's Azog's - and he yells, "-come forth, my armies!-" The commanding contraption he stands with points one of its sides. Then out of the hole the earthworms made, orcish hordes start pouring forth. Dain shouts, "The hordes of hell are upon us! To battle! To battle, sons of Durin!" Dain and his whole army turn and move towards the orcs.

After all the dwarves left and formed a line, Gandalf just wanted to ask Thranduil if he would help, but Thranduil, knowing he wouldn't get the gems if he didn't help, moved his troops behind the dwarven phalanx. The orcs are still running. Maira moves to Bard, saying, "Can you give me the Arkenstone?" Bard looks at her, asking why. She answers, "I will keep it safe during the battle so that you don't have to worry about it." He smiles and nods, knowing he could trust her with it because of her strength. He hands it to her, and she smiles and puts it away. Internally, she's grinning. Now she just needs to find a way to get a shard of the stone because if she doesn't give the stone back, a whole race will unite to get it back, and she can't have that. So, she somehow has to find a way to split off a little shard.

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