-Chapter 14 Lotr-

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'Bold' with 'Italic'='Black speech'

-POV Third Person-

Maira is riding on the Greenway in the direction of Tharbad. She then says, "Sometimes I feel as if I am being watched or only some part of a book." She shakes her head and wonders, "Where did that come from?" She then pulls out the Ring of Thrain and looks at it. "Time to get you back under my control," she says. She clenches her hand with the ring inside and starts chanting a spell. Her hand starts to glow brighter and brighter until it stops. She opens her palm and looks at the ring, grinning like mad. She says, "I did it! The ring is back under my control!" She smiles, having changed the alignment of the ring from the one to her own. It cost her much power, but 'Sauron' couldn't stop her because he doesn't have the One Ring. She flicks the ring into the air, catches it, and puts it into her pocket. She then sees the ruins of Tharbad up ahead. Riding into the ruins, she remembers how it is in the vicinity of the city of Ost-in-Edhil. "Ah yes, the city of Celebrimbor. I hate him for not saying where the elven rings are!" She grumbles. But then she grins thinking 'at least I now know where they are."

She wants to continue, but she sees a person running into the city. The person is bloodied and being followed by orcs. She thinks, 'Well, I normally wouldn't help, but I am feeling generous today.' She rides in the direction of the person and the orcs. The person falls to the ground, unable to walk anymore due to wounds. Just as the orcs want to finish the person, a horse appears, mowing down the orc that wanted to strike. The orcs look in the direction of the new arrival and see an elf with silver armor. The orc leader says, "-Leave before you die, dirty she-elf!-" But to his surprise, she answers, "-You will regret having called me an elf.-" With that, she rides on them again, killing another orc before jumping off the horse and landing on another orc, knocking it to the ground, and thrusting her sword through it. She then sees the remaining orcs and decides to make quick work of them. She stamps her foot on the ground, and ice spikes shoot out of the ground, skewering all the remaining orcs. (I am not good with fight scenes but i try my best)

She then walks to the person who is lying on the ground and sees that it is a she-elf with Silver hair and grey eyes. She kneels beside her and asks,
"What are you doing here?" The elf girl rasps out, "I was with my family, but then we were attacked by these orcs. My parents were killed, and I managed to run away, but they followed me." She coughs and continues, "But I don't know why they attacked. It looked like they were specifically targeting us."

Maira remains calm and asks, "And what's your name?" The girl answers, "My name is Míriel." She coughs again. Maira thinks, 'Míriel? That's a name I haven't heard in a while.'

But what the girl says next shocks Maira to her core, "Míriel of house Fëanor." Maira freezes, her eyes as wide as saucers. She thinks, 'Fëanor! I thought I killed the last one. Did Celebrimbor have children?!' Míriel sees her reaction and asks, "Is something wrong?" Maira shakes her head, saying, "I will tell you when you have recovered. You are still severely wounded." Míriel nods.

Maira inspects her wounds, thinking, 'She is strong. She has really severe wounds but is still alive. She can even talk without pain.' She says, "I will heal you now. It might hurt a little since I am forcefully closing your wounds." Míriel nods. Maira nods to her and starts chanting in Black Speech. Míriel questions herself on what language that is, but befor she could question More, the pain comes. She turns her hands into fists, clenching them until they turn white. She doesn't want to scream in front of her savior. The wounds close one after another until all are closed. Míriel sighs a sigh of relief and sits herself up.

Maira sits beside her, and Míriel says, "Thank you very much. If it wouldn't be for you, I would have died." Maira smiles, saying, "No problem," but she thinks, 'If I can get her allegiance, I will have a strong ally from the elves. She might not claim the High Kingship over the Noldor, but she is still from one of the strong houses of the Noldor.'

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