Bonus Chapter + Thanks :)

Start from the beginning

"What number shot was that for you, sweets?"

Arms wrap around Moss' waist and a head rests on his shoulder from behind.

"I lost track a while ago. Roksy and her family are dangerous when it comes to pushing shots," he felt dizzy before, but Tye's arms feel like they're anchoring him to reality.

"Wanna go sit for a minute? I have water and some bread from earlier at my table," Tye murmurs in his ear.

Moss is giggly as he sits at the table with Tye who is feeding him bites of a roll from dinner. Tye is also very drunk, but is in his right mind enough to know that the two of them need to make an attempt at sobering up so they don't black out before getting back to the hotel.

While Moss is mid-chew, Tye scans his lovers outfit from head to toe. "So.... do you get to keep that bridesman shirt after tonight? Or will you have to give it back to Roksana?"

"I bought it, so I get to keep it. Why?" Breadcrumbs spew from his mouth as he responds.

Tye hands him his glass of water which Moss gratefully accepts and starts sipping at to wash down the bread.

"No reason," he responds flirtatiously. "You look really hot. I was just wondering if this was the last time I'd be able to see you in this getup."

As the one and only bridesman, Roksana picked out a light copper, flowy top for Moss to wear to match the bridesmaids dresses. She had been avidly against him wearing a boring suit and instead convinced him to dress in the satin material, saying that he could wear regular black slacks with it to balance out the look.

Some water drips down the corner of his mouth as he answers with a grin on his face, "It's your lucky day, you can see this 'fit as much as you want, baby."

Tye laughs at this while wiping the water droplets away with his thumb and pressing a kiss to his drunk boyfriends mouth.

"You two can't stop flirting even at your friend's wedding- Jesus Christ," Shane teases them as he takes a seat at their table with his girlfriend and Eli.

Shane had finally asked out his situationship a couple months ago after confiding in Moss and Tye a countless number of times. The girl definitely knows how to put Shane in his place which he desperately needs in a relationship in case his ego threatens to blow up again.

Eli swipes the rest of the roll out of Moss' hand and stuffs it into his mouth. "We wanted to swing by and remind you that it's fucked up to propose to someone at someone else's wedding."

"Neither of us proposed," Moss' brain is still fuzzy from the alcohol and he can't comprehend what his brother is trying to say to them.

"Can never be too safe. You two were looking a little too lovey-dovey, we had to make sure you didn't fuck up Sasha and Roksy's night," Eli offers while wiping some crumbs off of his suit jacket.

Tye throws his arm around the back of Moss' chair as he sighs exasperatedly at the conversation. "We aren't complete assholes, give us some credit. I'm just telling my boyfriend that he looks like a smoke show while trying to get some food and water into him."

"Yeah, well it doesn't look like that's the only thing you're trying to get in him," Shane laughs while his girlfriend adjusts his bowtie.

Standing up, Tye offers his hand to Moss who grabs it without thinking.

"Let's get out of here, MoMo. I'd rather tear it up on the dance floor than be harassed by your fuck-ass brothers."

Giggling at this, Moss let's himself be pulled to the dance floor where they start to sway when a slow song begins as if on cue.

Moss is blown away by how far he and Tye have come from when they first met in the locker room almost two years ago. There have been some roadblocks along the way with people not being fully accepting of a gay hockey player in the league, but they persevered. Tye has done countless interviews to spread awareness for the You Can Play initiative and even had Moss join him a couple of times. His teammates and the Boulders organization fiercely support Tye and frequently participate in LGBTQ+ events and fundraisers to raise awareness.

Though the Boulders didn't win the Stanley Cup this time around, they were still top contenders making it all the way to the third round of the playoffs. Tye had been invited to the NHL awards a month ago and ended up winning the Bill Masterson award. The video put together for his nomination by the league brought him to tears as they described how the trials and tribulations that he went through after coming out were displays of true sportsmanship and dedication to the game of hockey. Not only did he fight for his own right to love openly, but he opened doors for generations to come so that they would feel less scared to be themselves.

The song transitions from the slow ballad to something a bit more upbeat.

Tye hums along in Moss' ear as they continue to sway to the song despite the change of pace in the music.

🎶'Cause, baby, there ain't no mountain high enough🎶

🎶Ain't no valley low enough🎶

🎶Ain't no river wide enough🎶

🎶To keep me from getting to you, babe🎶


AN: Okay, now I'm done with this story lol. I've never written anything like this before and wasn't actually expecting anyone to read it so I'm blown away with the reception that it has gotten. Thanks so much to everyone for your kind words and support- I hope you enjoyed!

I appreciate you all!!!💕✨

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