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Ophelia sat by the water as she observed her new look. Her once solid features are now vaguely visible, along with that, she was desaturated. Doomed for an eternity by the lake as the fog is the only thing that keeps her visible. She didn't want to become a ghost. Being dead is just that, she wasn't supposed to come back. Being there was disturbing something, but she wasn't sure what.

The waves of the lake moved back and forth, like a perfect pattern that was meant to be. Except the second she went close, the tides started raging. What was her problem? She wasn't even human anymore. Her weird things she received from her mother shouldn't have been affecting anything.

She looked up and saw lines being drawn in the sky, she knew it was Selene in her chariot, she was looking for her daughter. But when the Titan created a ghost, she started fading, now Artemis was preparing to take her place.

The waves moved violently with each step she took. The water always scared her, she never was sure what was in there, but now that she's dead it felt like a contradiction.

She couldn't feel the coldness as she laid down, her white flowy dress turning into a darker shade of white as she laid down and dunked her body underwater. It was relieving, being able to be in the water in this season. It was hard just to wear shorts, but now she's in freezing cold water and she can't feel anything! She watched as the bugs ran across the surface, occasional fish or two. The tides of the water still roaming viscously, catching the attention of a passer.

Percy Jackson watched as the waves moved at an unreasonable pace, he wasn't used to that. He was a newly found Demi-God, but it doesn't mean he can't find things strange.

He walked closer, a frown on his face as he remembered how they moved like this with Ophelia. He failed to see the transparent body of the girl lying in the water, he was so fixated on the waves. "Clarisse should see this," he joked, "maybe Ophelia's coming back."

Ophelia stood from the water, her white dress flowing with the wind. She looked at boy, why would Clarisse need to see this?

"Maybe this is a sign, maybe this is Ophelia telling us to get over her," he mumbled. Her head tilted, how long has it been? Percys eyes always shined the brightest when he was near water, it was his calling. The son of Poseidons eyes turned to her direction, he could feel her, but he couldn't see her.

His eyes shut and he shook his head, "this is stupid." He turned and went back to the Hermes cabin, turning back once more before going inside.

Ophelia, on the other hand, was lost. She knew she needed to end her ghost life before something happens.

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