It's been a week since that day. Jack hasn't returned to the bunker. Castiel is still an Angel. Sam and Dean left for their case and returned three days later. They have been looking for another case since then.

Neve is wondering from her bedroom to the main rooms when she spots Castiel in the library.

"Hey, Angel. Are you ok?"

She asks and he turns, looking anything, but ok. Neve frowns and immediately goes to his aid, taking his hands in hers.

"What's wrong, Cas?"

She asks and he sighs. Having a soul has been tough for the Angel. He had so many feelings and no knowledge on what they meant.

"I'm worried about Jack. He left a week ago to speak with God and we haven't seen him since."

He explains and Neve nods. She was aware, she just assumed that he had been roped into Heaven work and would return when he could.

"Hey! We might have a case."

Dean calls from the room over. Before Neve could reassure Castiel, he kisses her temple and makes his way over to them.

She sighs. She could feel his uneasiness through their bond. Truth be told, she was just starting to get her strength back from the soul sharing.

"Don't do that!"

Dean scolds and Neve frowns, entering the room to see Jack and Chuck stood off to the side.

"Sorry, Dean."

Jack apologises. Chuck steps forward and all eyes follow him.

"Castiel. Jack came to me last week regarding your Angel status. Ah, Nevelyn! I'm glad you're here too. Come. Sit."

All eyes move to Neve as she makes her way over to sit at the table.

"You're wondering why you're still an Angel now that you have your soul. It's simple, really. It's what you want. Being Human made you feel weak and helpless. You like helping people and healing them. I wanted you to benefit from this too, Castiel. You're the only Angel in existence that has a soul."

Chuck explains and everyone looks to Castiel in amazement.

"Now, Neve. Angel or Human, neither will affect yours and Castiel's private destiny."

He says cryptically and Neve frowns. It sounds like riddles to her.

"What do you mean?"

She asks. Chuck smiles and looks around at everyone at the table.

"You'll find out soon. Just know this, Neve. At the end of this, you won't die."

With that, he disappears, leaving behind four frustrated people.

"What the hell does that mean?!"

Dean yells at the ceiling and Jack steps forward.

"I believe he's referring to the baby currently growing in Neve's womb."

Everyone freezes. Uneven breathing is all that can be heard. Had they heard the Nephilim right? Finally, Neve scoffs nervously.

"What? I'm not pregnant, Jack!"

She says, frowning before her eyes find Castiel's. He stands and approaches her silently.

He reaches his hand out. Yet, before he places it on her stomach, he looks up at her for permission.

She nods and he continues, laying his hand over her slightly bloated stomach.

He closes his eyes, focusing on something that she couldn't hear. Sam and Dean watch on eagerly.

When his eyes open, they are full of worry, confusion and an expression that Neve couldn't decipher.

When his eyes open, they are full of worry, confusion and an expression that Neve couldn't decipher

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His hand slips away from her stomach and he looks at her.

"It's true. You are with child."

He confirms and Neve gulps. Sam exchanges a look with Jack while Dean is the only one to say anything.

"Won't she die once it's born?"

He asks aggressively, but Jack shakes his head.

"No. Grandfather made things different for Neve. Like he said, 'at the end of this, you won't die'. Neve will be able to raise her baby."

He says with a smile, blissfully unaware of the panic everyone else was going through.

"It's only been a week."

Neve mutters, her eyes seeking Castiel's as her cheeks flush red. The Angel sighs.

"With half Angel babies, they can be conceived in as little as a day. While it's been a week on the outside, on the inside, it's been longer. Human pregnancies are nine months. With Nephilim's, it's only five."

He explains and Neve frowns, her butt finding the chair again.

"I don't feel any different."

She admits quietly and Sam speaks, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"When Jack was conceived, you almost buckled from the commotion over Angel Radio. Why didn't that happen this time?"

He asks and Castiel seems unable to answer. Dean narrows his eyes.

"Something stinks here. Let's get Rowena here. Maybe she can tell us about this kid."

He says, pulling his phone out. Castiel watches as Neve sits quietly, concern for her hitting him like a tonne of bricks.


This chapter has been edited.

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