20. Just The Beginning

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The days following the final challenge all blurred together

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The days following the final challenge all blurred together. Turns out, Professor Moody was actually Barty Crouch, Jr, a loyal Death Eater. Crouch was using poly-juice to disguise himself all along. He and Wormtail were working together to bring back Voldemort which they (obviously) have done.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, a numbness washed over me like lidocaine. My eyes were pulled down by the dark bags that hung below them. My face was sullen and pale. I looked... lifeless. How could I be anything less after losing my best friend? After Cedric, the boy who heart my belonged to for six years, sacrificed himself to save me. His death was my fault. The weight of the guilt was crushing me; it was suffocating. Natalie and the twins had tried countless times to assure me that I wasn't at fault, but nothing they said could ease the pain.

The fact of the matter is-Cedric Diggory is gone because of me. If I hadn't snuck into the maze after him to 'prevent' the vision from manifesting, then I wouldn't be preparing myself to attend his memorial. If I hadn't lost my wand after encountering the skrewt, then maybe he wouldn't have felt the need to defend his 'wandless, defenseless' friend. If I had just kept my mouth shut.. If I hadn't confessed my feelings for him, then I never would have been in the Divinitions classroom staring into a crystal ball to begin with. I wouldn't have seen the vision, so I wouldn't have gone in after him..

If. If. If.

"Elliana," his voice washed over me. "Breathe."

I spun on my heels and stared into the kind gray eyes of my best friend. In the hours following the tragic event, he never left my side. I saw him constantly. At first, I thought he was a ghost, but I quickly realized that wasn't the case; I was the only one to see him.

"I'm breathing," I assured him. "I just wish I could say the same for you."

Sure, it sounded like morbid humor, but I was being dead serious. There I go again..

He laughed. "I know."

My closest friends and Madam Pomfrey knew of my 'hallucinations'. Madam Pomfrey believed it was my way of coping. My mind simply couldn't accept the fact that he was gone, so it conjured up images of him. I turned back around and stared at the mirror, frowning at my reflection.

"I don't want to go," I whispered, fighting back a wave of tears.

"I know," he whispered.

Then, as quickly as he appeared, he vanished. Natalie entered the dorm, wearing her school robes and a solemn frown. She wasted no time in wrapping me in a hug before she wrapped a scarf around my neck. I looked down at the scarf as I rubbed the material, realizing it was Cedric's. His initials were woven into the fabric. C.D.

"He would have wanted you to have it," she whispered, offering me a soft smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Are you ready?"

I nodded once. "As ready as I'll ever be."

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