13. Stupid Cupid

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"Knock, knock," Trevor said, falling in step with me as we walked through the courtyard

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"Knock, knock," Trevor said, falling in step with me as we walked through the courtyard.

"Who's there?" I quirked a brow at him.

"Al." He was clearly fighting back a smile.

I breathed out a laugh. "Al who?"

He could no longer stop a cheeky grin from spreading across his face, highlighting his dimples. "Al be your Valentine if you'll be mine."

I couldn't help but giggle. "That's a cute one."

"You're a cute one." He winked.

I felt a blush rush to my cheeks. "You're on a roll today."

He chuckled, gently nudging me with his elbow. "Seriously, though. Be my Valentine?"

Things had been a bit awkward between us since our unexpected kiss on Christmas. I liked Trevor, but I knew I wasn't ready for anything serious. He wasn't either, of course. Our hearts belonged to other people. Our unrequited love was something we bonded over.

"What does that entail exactly?" I teased, smiling softly.

He shrugged nonchalantly. "Chocolate.. Flowers.. I might even let you kiss me if you ask nicely."

I threw my head back and genuinely laughed. "Well, if that's the case..."

"Great!" He beamed at me.


On Valentines Day, I woke up to three chocolate frogs; same as I do every year. It was a tradition that Cedric started during our first year, and he has done it ever since. Granted, I honestly wasn't expecting him to go through with it this year, given the fact that the dynamic of our friendship was 'changing' due to the fact that he had a girlfriend that he was crazy about. So, the butterflies that engulfed my stomach when I read the simple 'Happy Valentines Day. -Love, Cedric' shouldn't have been so violent; oh, but they were.

"I see Cedric delivered this year," Natalie commented as she looked through her wardrobe, debating on wearing pink or red.

"He's a creature of habit," I joked, stretching my arms over my head and yawning.

Eventually, she decided on a sexy red dress. "I'll wear red, and you wear pink," she demanded, throwing a light pink dress on my bed.

I watched as she donned a pair of heart-shaped earrings and a necklace to match. When I finally convinced myself to get out of bed, I noticed the beautiful bouquet of red roses that was sitting in a vase on her nightstand.

"Oooh, who got you those?" I asked her, grinning from ear to ear.

"Fred," she glanced at me sheepishly. "I, uh. I found them outside our door this morning. Aren't they pretty?"

"They're beautiful," I told her, studying them. "So, what's going on with you guys? Are you two like.. together together?"

"Of course not," she was quick to say. "We're just friends."

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