Chapter 8

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Monday seemed to come faster than expected. Taehyung had spent the last day of his weekend isolated in his room, savouring his last moments of freedom. It was quite the usual day, sketching new drawings to music and sleeping in, a perfect day really. But now came reality again.

Taehyung had just arrived at the office a little earlier than usual, hoping to debrief with Jimin as he had been blowing up his phone asking for details of the dinner. As he exited the elevator his saw the mop of silver hair sat behind the entry desk.

"Jimin!" He yelled in a stern voice, impersonating his father's. Jimin shot up from his desk and automatically bowed.

"Goodmornig sir-" he said as he looked up to see a cackling blonde. "YAH! That's not funny!" He said dramatically, rushing over to hit the mischievous boy on the shoulder. However, before he was able to complete his abuse the boy stopped and stared. "Taehyung-ah, is there something special on today? You look sexier than usual?" Jimin said still gawking at the blonde.

Taehyung scratched the back of his nape. He usually wore plain black slacks and a generic business shirt but today was different. Had he spiced up his usual work attire for anyone in particular? No of course not. He just told himself he wanted a change.

He word a thin detailed button up tucked into some old black slacks that hugged his ass significantly more than usual

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He word a thin detailed button up tucked into some old black slacks that hugged his ass significantly more than usual. Still being respectful of the environment Taehyung decided it was best to pair the outfit with a striped black blazer, it was work after all.

"Uh no, I just didn't wash my clothes from last week, uh - so i just threw these old clothes on", Taehyung lied looking down nervously.

"Pft, as if you just threw that on. I bet it's for a certain someone" jimin said raising his eyebrows up and down teasing the blonde.

Taehyung groaned and walked towards his shared office with the silver head following and woof whistling behind him.

"Considering you're here i'm going to assume you didn't get fired" jimin says flopping on the couch as Taehyung sets his belongings down.

"No I didn't but I wish I did", he says sighing and flopping down across from Jimin on the other leather couch. "He acted all happy and conversational all night and then lectured me about partying instead of working when we were alone". Taehyung say with frustration. "I just don't get him, why does he hate me so much?" Taehyung had decided to keep some details to himself, still worried of the consequences if Jungkook found out.

"He hates everyone TaeTae, don't take it personally. He only talks to me when he gives me orders, he's as cold as ice to most people." Jimin says with a compassionate smile.

"I don't know what to do" Taehyung says groaning. "I do the work and he gives me more. I do that work ON A SATURDAY and yet he still complains I have a life outside of this hell hole. Will I ever be free! He's so control-" Taehyung's eyes shoot open when he hears the door handle.

Both males watch, now sitting upright, as Jungkook strides in towards his desk. He glances at the boys, eyes landing on Taehyung.

"If I have to tell you to leave again Jimin, you won't have a job". Jungkook says sternly, cold eyes still boring into Taehyung's. Jimin mumbles a few 'sorry's in fear and bolts out of the office.

"Good-good morning sir" Taehyung says now standing and giving a polite bow. The older pays no attention and sits down. "Uh, the reports are complete-"

"On my desk - now" Jungkook says cutting off the blonde in frustration. Taehyung's eyes grow. He stands there is confusion. Does he mean me-

Jungkook looks up at the wide-eyed boy. "The reports Kim, I don't have time for your lack of comprehension skills", he says rolling his eyes.

Taehyung scurries to the table and places the reports on his desk. The raven flicks through the pages in silence. "Good. Go deliver it down the hall to the meeting room. Mr Min is arriving shortly." He says pushing the paperwork aside without even glancing at the male. Taehyung gently takes the binders after some time and begins to the leave the room. Before he can take more steps a pen lands infront of him on the floor and he stops his movements.

"Pick it up" Jungkook says, no emotion in his tone. Is he fucking serious? I'm not a dog.

Taehyung clenches his teeth after standing still
momentarily. He slowly bends down, perking his ass out unintentionally as he picks up the pen. He can feel Jungkook's eyes behind him.When he turns around he is faced with a very cold Jungkook. His eyes are dark and Taehyung feels fearful.

"Bring it here" Jungkook growls. Taehyung falters in his steps and returns the pen back to the older male's desk. Without a second thought he bows quickly and hurries out of the room, speed walking to the meeting room.

"What the actual FUCK" taehyung whisper yells, leaning on the now closed door. Did that really just happen? He gets off the door and begins to set the meeting room up, anger building up. "I'm not his god damn dog. what a fucking asshole" he mumbles to himself as he slams the paperwork on the desk. "i hate him. i fucking hate jeon jungkook" the blonde says through gritted teeth.

"That's it. If he wants to play with me, i'll play harder" taehyung says, eyes filled with determination. Taehyung leaves the room, plans now filling his head.


For the rest of the day Jungkook was out of his office in meetings and Taehyung completed his usual duties in peace. If he wanted to beat Jungkook at his own game, he couldn't give the older a reason to lecture him.

Walking out of the office he collected Jimin on his way out, itching to complain about the morning's events as he they were both too busy to spend lunch together.

"I need your help Chim" Taehyung says as they walk to the elevator.

Jimin gives Taehyung a confused look. He hums. "Ok? With what?" the shorter male says with interest.

"I need to break Jungkook" the blonde says seriously.

"Huh. Why what happened?" Jimin says with furrowed eyebrows as the enter the elevator. Taehyung fills Jimin in, this time on everything. If he wanted to be successful, he needed Jimin to know. What did he really have to lose at this point?

Now standing outside of the building, Jimin's jaw is basically on the floor. He is speechless. "Wait so he-" Jimin points his crotch slowly, "He WHAT!" the boy yells. Taehyung's eyes go wide and shushes the boys looking around in paranoia.

"Jimim shut up, don't make me regret telling you" he says still looking around. Jimin takes his hand as they walk to the parking lot.

"Taehyung this is fucked. Like truly this is not okay. I knew he was an asshole, but this is worse than I expected" he says still staring forward, his mind still trying to comprehend the new information.

Taehyung stops and turns the silver haired around. "Chim seriously, I need your help. I can't go to my father about this, I need to ruin him myself". The blonde says staring into Jimin's eyes. The shorter nods, finally coming back to reality.

He turns around and starts walking again, Taehyung following. "Ok here is what we are going to do.."

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