Chapter 3

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"what the fuck do you think your doing". jungkook says in such a cold tone that he feels a shiver go done his spine.

"I-i was just uh-" tae stumbles on his words until he is cut off by the door opening.

"Jeon, has Taehyung come in yet?" Kim Do-yun asks still lingering in door frame. Tae freezes, well aware that if his father takes one more step in he will be able to see the younger. Jungkook stares into taes orbs that are screaming fear. he knows he is silently asking for help.

Jungkook turns around and walks to his desk, "Well do you see him here?" he scoff and looks up very disinterested at Mr Kim. Tae freezes even more, accepting his doom.

"Aish, that boy. Sorry Kook, I thought the kid would get his act together by now." he says with an angry sigh and walks off. When tae heres door close he releases a his breath.

"What happened if he actually looked around? I would have been fuck-" He begins saying is frustrating before making eyes contact with the male. Jungkook has he eye brows raised almost as if he's asking "are you serious":

"I uh- i mean, thank you Me Jeon" he bowes immediately, hoping the ground to swallow him whole. "Um- may i ask why - why did you help me?" he asked sheepishly.

Jungkook doesn't answer and meely asks, "why didn't you want him to see you, too scared of daddy?". Tae sinks his head and mumbles.

"I don't want to disappoint him" Jungkook silently hums in response as he opens his laptop.

"Looks like he already is Kim". Tae stays silent and somehow looks even more dejected than he already was. Jungkook looks up and senses this.

"Go home and get changed. Be back here in 30mins or else you will regret it". Why does he keep saying that?

Tae looks up confused and then quickly rushes out of the office, hoping to escape his father.


Days pass and Taehyung is now used to the environment of the office. He can now have friendly conversations with mostly everyone and has grown close to Jimin. The boys have become almost bestfriends in such short time yet both feel as if they have know eachother for a life time.

"Tae tae!" jimin says rushing towards the tables situated at the cafe downstairs. It had now become their favourite spot for lunch. Still close to everything if they are called upon but far enough away for Jimin to spill the gossip.

Tae smiles and hums as he watches the boy skip over and sit down, yet another extra filled sandwhich in the silver boys hands. How did the boy eats so much? "I've decided. We are gracing the city with our presence tonight and going out! And before you say no, it's a nonnegotiable so don't bother." Jimin says with a smile and digs into his lunch.

"Chim, you know that's not really my scene. Jungkook has been working me to the bone, i'm honestly just excited to spend the weekend in bed" Taehyung says, finishing with a sigh.

"All the more reason to go have fun, it's a reward! Come on TaeTae, pretty pleaseee" Jimin says with pleading eyes. Tae sits in silence and ponders. I mean it could be fun. I have been stuck running errands all week, why not?

"Ok fine" Tae says rolling his eyes. Jimin starts clapping in happiness. "But only on one condition."

"Anything!" Jimin says beaming with happiness.

"I need to borrow your closet" he says sheepishly. Taehyung never really had the chance to fully express himself with his appearance, always scared of what his father would think. It was clear to everyone he was gay, yet he knew it bothered Do-yun when he would dress 'less masculine'.

"OH MY GOD, of course!! It would be my pleasure" Jimin says holding in screams of excitement. "Ok ok, so what i'm thinking is, we have a sparkly moment and.." Jimin continues rambling at 1000 words per minute as per usual while Taehyung patiently listens giggling at his now bestfriends behaviour. Fuck it, lets have fun.


"Taehyung" jungkook says abruptly walking into his office. Taehyung looks up mid-paperwork. "After that I need you to go through the reports so i can finalise the deal with Mr Min" It was currently the end of the day. I'm meant to be leaving in under an hour. The audacity!

"Mr Jeon, i'm meant to be taking my leave soon, I won't be able to finish it today" Jungkook sits down on his chair and glares at the male who was sitting at his own desk in the corner.

"Did I ask for your opinion? No. Finish it before Tomorrow. I don't care how, just do it" He says with a frustrated sigh and begins to pack his belongings. Taehyung stares with his mouth slightly open in disbelief. Jungkook stares at him with a cold expression. "I still haven't heard a 'yes sir' come from your mouth yet". Taehyung closes his mouth immediately and stares in shock momentarily.

"Uh yes- yes sir" his says casting his eyes downwards. Jungkook smirks and gets up to leave. "Don't test my patience again Kim" And with that Taehyung watches his back as he leaves without a care. He slumps into his chair, grabbing a fist full of hair groaning. He can't understand why Jungkook is such a dick.

"Hey TaeTae, you ready to leave?" Jimin says skipping into the room. His smile drops after seeing Taehyung looking so dejected.

"Chim, he is the spawn of the devil" He says with a crying face. "I can't come, he is making me do more reports. I can't believe the audacity!" Taehyung says now looking extremely angry.

"Woah there, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Let's just go have fun tonight and I will help you finish them myself. We can do it tomorrow mhm?" Jimin says walking towards him and caressing is hair.

"Are you sure? Would you really help me?" Taehyung says eyebrows raised, appreciation radiating from him.

"Of course Tae, I want you to loosen up for just one night! Don't let him ruin that" His says smiling while he pulls taehyung up. "Come on, don't worry about it yet." Taehyung sighs and hugs Jimin with a soft smile.

"Ok" he says softly, now regaining his excitement. "Let's go."

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