Like NORMAL people: Chapter 21

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"Madeline Sparks! What is the meaning of this?!" Exclaimed Madeline's angry mother that was standing in the entry hall of the game room. Madeline woke up with a start and somehow opened her heavy lidded eyes.

"What?" She asked while groggily getting up. "Does this look like your bedroom to you?!" Her mother further demanded an answer from her daughter that was barley getting up from the floor.

Madeline squinted her eyes and scratched her head in confusion at her surroundings, "I guess it isn't." She stated matter of factually.

Her mother frowned that little frown that never meant good news, "You guess? Of course it isn't! How old do you think you are to be sleeping in here?"

From there, there was no stopping her mother's rant. The words "immature" and "childish" were mentioned more than several times. Slowly waking up to each passing verse, Madeline blinked away the last of her sleepiness and looked around herself one last time.

'How did I end up here?' was the first thought to travel through her mind and along with it she had the strangest feeling. As if she was forgetting something but she couldn't put her finger on it.

"When was the last time I found you up here? Oh yeah, when you were twelve!" Her mother narrowed her eyes at Madeline's spaced out face and huffed out in indignation. "Are you even listening to me?!"

The harsh tone her mother used snapped Madeline into reality and out of her wandering mind. "What?"

Huffing out again, she rolled her eyes and muttered something in Spanish as she took a deep breath to calm herself, giving up on the whole lecture."Just get ready for school Mady," she gave madeline one last long scowl before leaving her alone with the last scolding words, " I just can't believe how irresponsible you are."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure I am...." Madeline stuck out her tongue at her mother as she rushed to her room.

Entering the room Madeline froze for a second thinking maybe what she was seeing was a mirage. She rubbed her eyes, pinched her cheeks and wished with all her might that it wasn't true. Looking through slitted eyelids, the image she wished was gone was still there. Liam sitting relaxed on top of her bed wearing a playful smirk that was all too familiar had Madeline gaping in both surprise and horror.

Liam waved a small wave and yawned, "Isn't today a lovely day?" Looking out one of the windows in Madeline's room he nodded in consent to his own question, "Don't you think so too bunny?" His voice still gruff from barley waking up had scraped it's way over to Madeline's mind, knocking over her initial shock into anger.

"Are you serious?" She screeched in a low tone as she slammed the door. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, what do you think I'm doing here?" Liam retorted mocking her screeching voice.

Annoyed by his immature attitude she pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed, "This is serious Liam, if my mom- god forbid- if my DAD caught you in here he would murder me. MURDER. Do you understand me?"

Liam snorted, "I didn't force you to let me in."

Flares of red hair fell all over her face as the words hit her. She? Let? Him? In?



"Me?" She rasped out as she pointed to her chest with a weak finger. Liam gave her a 'no shit' look while nodding his head slowly twice.

"Are you sure you didn't sneak into my room like a pervert?" Liam didn't have time to answer as Madeline put up more and more unreasonable excuses on how he got there. "Or maybe you mistaken my house for yours? But then how did you get in? Well obviously you broke in somehow in a drunken state of some kind."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2016 ⏰

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