The Last Snort: chapter 10

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Madeline blinked uncomfortably through her contacts. How she hated these damn things, whenever they dried up she couldn't blink in comfort.

She pulled out some emergency drops from her pencil pouch and put two or three drops in each eye. She always brought them with her since her eyes easily dried.

Madeline blinked her eyes again, this time with a sigh of relief. That was much better, she felt like she could see again.

She went back to correcting her persuasive essay, glaring in the process. She's always hated writing these kinds of essays, it always had her opinion put in it but no one really cared what a highschool girl thought. She didn't see the point of writing it, if in the end no one would really care what she had to say.

She put more pressure then necessary on her pen and snapped the point off as she corrected some more. She looked at the pen in anger, the tip was slightly hanging from its base and it swung to and fro each time making Madeline angrier.

She stood up pushing her chair away from her, the chair screeched against the ground noisily. The attention of her class was on her as she walked to the trash bin and threw the pen inside. Hard.

She stomped back to her seat and grumbled under her breath about how stupid this all was. She snatched a pencil from her ouch and commenced correcting once again.

Mrs. Stewart gave Madeline a dirty look and coughed purposely. Madeline enraptured in her work ignored the coughing.

Mrs Stewart gave up on giving her hints and made her way to Madeline. The room went dead silent as Madelines classmates watched Mrs Stewart.

A quick tap of Mrs Stewart's finger on Madelines desk caught all of Madeline's attention.

"Madeline, I ask of you to not get so angry in the middle of class," she gestured to her classmates, "it distracts everybody else."

Madeline arched an eyebrow and scoffed, "Thats really ironic. Since right now Mrs Stewart, your distracting your students."

Madeline leaned back in her chair and smirked already knowing what Mrs Stewart was trying to do, "Actaully the fact that you came up here to reprimand me of my behavior has been more of a distraction then my anger."

Madeline continued her rant determined to set Mrs Stewart straight, "If you had just kept your mouth shut and not disturbed me for such a little thing, we wouldn't be having this conversation. " Madeline knew Mrs Stewart hated her, it was no secret.

But she would be dammed if she let herself be humiliated for every little thing she did in her class. Madeline straightened her shoulders and smiled triumphantly at the colored Mrs Stewart.

She had no idea why Mrs Stewart hated her so, Madeline didn't have any problems with any of the other teachers. Just her.

Mrs Stewart was second down Madeline's list as Most Hated. Liam being on the top of her list.

No one could outshine him in that category. Mrs Stewart puffed out her flat chest in fury, which reminded Madeline of a peacock in heat.

Madeline repressed a laugh as Mrs Stewart blew in anger, "You may be the principals daughter but there is so much you can get away with!" Her voice rose in indignation.

Madeline scoffed, "Yes I am the principals daughter but I don't say the things I do because I'm his daughter or because I think I can get away with it."

Mrs Stewart gazed at Madeline skeptically, "Oh really? If not that then why do you say such rude things to your elders?" Her voice dripping with disdain.

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