Family :) : chapter 3

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Madeline drove into her unnecessarily huge driveway. She jumped off the car, slamming the door closed. 

She stomped her way through the gaudy garden full of bushes shaped in animals and all sorts of artsy stuff, up the marble embedded steps that leaded the way to the mammoth house that glimmered brightly against the setting sun.

The house was about the size of an apartment complex, and idealy put in the middle of the suburbs. Of course, Madeline and her parents didn't live alone in the house. In the house, there was a total of 12 residents. 

All of them, family members. Family members that Madeline loved. Madeline touched her still burning skin from her brief encounter with Derek. She shrieked mentally and swore under her breath. How could she just leave like that?? 

She felt like such a kid, from just blushing and freaking out from a little flirting. She hoped that she didn't have to see him again. EVER. 

As she thought that, the house's glimmering glass door slammed open, making Madeline jump back startled. 

Two dark headed girls dyed in the colors pink and blue came shooting out from the door, crashing into Madeline. Madeline dazed found herself looking into three identical faces. "This is the second time today that I find myself on the floor," Madeline said through a huge smile,"At least this time I know how to deal with two little mischeivious girls." 

Madeline grabbed both girls from their waist's and spinned them around and around until they begged for her to stop. The girls squeeled in unsion, "Mady! Stop! We're going to throw up!" 

Madeline chortled and descended down to the ground with the three girls. The two girls giggled non-stop hugging Madeline lovingly. 

 A women in an edgy short black dress and bobbed hair came running out, "Jacky. Carly, What in the world do you think your doing to your aunt?" 

Both girls stood up and the one on the right, Carly, dyed in pink spoke, "We just wanted to be the first ones to see her."  The two of them nodded in unision.

"It's ok Mary, I love being hugged by them. Even if it was a bit sudden." Madeline ruffled the girls curly dark hair. 

The girls smiled up at their mother innocently. Mary rolled her eyes and sighed, "If you say so Mady." 

Jacky the one in purple, nudged Madeline and winked up at her,"I saw a really cute boy in the house."

Jacky and Carly exchanged glances, a small twinkle in their deep brown eyes sparkled that made Madeline suspicious. "Oh yeah? I wonder who it is." 

The two girls lead Madeline to the door, Mary scowling down at her daughters, "Why can't you little devils stay still? I look away for one second and your gone!"

"Now Mary, They're still kids. They barley turned ten, cut them some slack." Madeline said holding the girls hands.

Mary just walked inside with her huge heels trailing behind her tiny body. Madeline never understood why her sister wore those torture devices. She could barley endure five minutes in one of those church heels she couldn't imagine wearing those five inch heels.

Madeline walked in and spotted a huge man with a buzz cut and army uniform hugging her sobbing mother in a tender embrace. "Omg! Josh, your home!" Madeline squeeled and ran straight towards the huge man, hugging him along with her mother. 

Josh coughed out at the impact of his little sister, "Ok. I get it! You missed me, stop slamming into me please!"

"I thought you were still on your tour!" Madeline scowled at her big brother, she hadn't seen him since christmas last year and he wants her to back off? Fuck no.

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