How it began: Chapter 9.

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Liam had a somber expression on his face as he walked down the halls of Beverly Hills highschool. Amy couldn't keep her mouth shut could she?

Damn it Amy! Every time Amy gets involved she always has to ruin his careful plans. Because only she can make the plans, which irritates him enough and the way she acts at school doesn't help either.

Usually she's not as bubbly or nice, actaully she's not that at all. She's stubborn, short tempered and when it comes down to it she's a bitch.

But that's the Amy Liam knew and loved. He hated the way she changes herself to fit in this stupid school.

His face grew darker with each passing thought. 'Society sucks' passed through his mind. If the real Amy were here it probably would've ended worse, one more word and Madeline would've been scared off. Liam scoffed, yeah right it's Madeline we're talking about she wouldn't be scared even if Amy had snakes coming out of her head.

But still he had to talk to Amy and explain to her that anything concerning Madeline has to go through him first. Whether it's said or done to her, Liam had to supervise it all.

He didn't trust Amy to the extent of leaving Madeline alone with her, she could say something that could destroy everything. 

Liam had spent a good amount of time just thinking of ways to make this plan a success. From how he asked Madeline to the end where he would show up to his father with a magnificent feat.

He wasn't about to let Amy come in and control it all. Liam turned a corner and slammed right into someone truning the corner as well, the air was slightly rammed out of Liam so he had to catch his breath before he could look at the perpetrator.

Derek looked at Liam with concern, "Hey man, I'm sorry I didn't see you."

Liam avoided looking into Derek's eyes recalling their little conversation yesterday. "I'm completely fine, I should be the one aplogizing. I freaked out on you yesterday. That isn't cool."

Derek slapped Liam on the back with a big thump, "It's fine! You don't even have to Apologize! I was sticking my nose where it didn't belong." His voice sincerely sad.

Derek has known Liam since they were kids, he should've known when to back off. "Let's forget about it and move on, it's not like the world is going to end."

Liam rubbed the corner of his chin, "Are you sure about that? I heard strange rumors recently..." his voice dropping an octave.

Derek leaned forward intrigued, "What rumors?"

"I heard that you actaully turned down Emily Strieghter! That's a sure sign the world's going to end!" Liam said teasingly, Derek scowled at the mention of Emily.

"Seriously dude? She's a wolf in sheep's clothing, who would want to be with her?" Derek chortled, "Turning down Emily is no sign the world is gonna end if anything its a sign of world peace."

Liam let out a short laugh, "She's so hot though, I don't get you Derek any man would've begged her to even look at them."
Emily Streighter was well known through out the school as a gold digger and an incredible partner in bed. Most guys at school mostly ignored the gold digging part and zone in the sex part. They could afford it, so it was no problem to them.

However Derek didn't want some left over slut who goes around wagging her tail to every man with a bit of cash. "Yeah, as you can see I'm not just any man." a rare cocky grin spread across Derek's face, making Liam hoot.

"Oh how ironic, the gentleman finally shows his true colors," he nuked the top Derek's head and snorted, "welcome to the club, Derek."

Derek rolled his eyes, "What club?"

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