They're here, thank god.

I entered the back, checking every corner for personnel. I kept my gun drawn, not knowing how many people were going to be in here.

It was oddly silent in here for how loud it was outside. It was like my mind was playing tricks on me. Every corner I turned revealed nothing; my suspicion began to gnaw at me.

I made sure to check every room. Venturing alone filled me with fear, yet I couldn't help but feel proud doing this by myself. I eventually heard muffled voices in the next room. My footsteps were silent, making sure I wasn't caught before I could reach them.

I peeked into the room where the voices were coming from. Two men were to the left, two were on the right, and one was sitting in a chair facing away from the table that was behind him. I quickly made up a game plan in my mind. It was bound to work.

The rifle and pistol laid in both of my hands just itching to be used. I made sure the knife was secured in my right hand, any error on my part would lead to my demise.

I took a step back from my original position. It took every ounce of strength I had in my arm to lift my gun up. But I could take the pain, this was literally life and death.

My breaths were slow and even, focusing myself on what was in front of me. I quickly ran through the doors, sliding myself underneath the table as I flipped the knife in my hand to meet the back of the guy's head. Not enough to kill him though.

The men on each side noticed the commotion and immediately drew their guns to shoot at me, but I reacted first. My bullets lodged themselves in their skulls, dropping to the ground like they were nothing. A stray bullet grazed my arm, making me drop my gun in the process. I hissed in agony yet again, pushing through the pain to finish off the man in the chair.

He spit in my face, hurling curses at me in his native tongue. I smirked, walking behind him to take the knife out of his head. My fingers gripped around the base of the knife, ripping it out of his head as it started draining the blood out of him.

He pleaded for his life. I watched him squirm to try and get at me, but he was slowly losing consciousness. I put him out of his misery by stabbing the knife in his jugular notch, depriving him of any air he could take in.

I heard more footsteps coming to the room I was in. I took cover behind one of the doors and waited for them to come in. My nerves were eating away at me again, hoping there weren't too many that could take me over. The shirt I wore was beginning to be soaked in my own blood. I didn't have any time to place a tourniquet on my arm, I'd have to fight these fuckers off with all my might.

Their voices started getting closer, but I could decipher the language being spoken. Maybe it was because of my blood loss or I actually knew those voices.

Then I understood them. It was my crew and I was safe again. I left my position and slowly walked to the door to the outside where they were. I kept my gun drawn to my side just in case, but hearing that British voice brought me the greatest comfort I have ever experienced. 

"Ghost!" I yelled at him hoping he'd come to my side. But all he gave me was a glance in my direction and motioned for Soap to come to me. Fucker.

Soap dropped his gun and rushed to my side, his gaze fixed on the crimson blood enveloping my entire arm. "Shite that looks bad."

"It's fine for now, we have to get to those controls." Everyone was in agreement, and we sprinted to the control room. I was put to ease once I had my guys around to help me. Once we entered the room, Graves immediately started the process to abort the missile.

Undeniable || Simon "Ghost" Riley ||Where stories live. Discover now