Chapter 15

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'Til My Last Day

This ride was excruciating. With the torment from everyone and the pain in my shoulder weighing heavily on me. We were dropped off to load up in boats to take us to the oil rig a couple hundred miles from shore.

The sea was merciless, waves of salty water crashed into us like daggers slicing through flesh. The air all around us was frigid and filled with gusts of wind. I held onto the side of the boat for dear life, whipping us around like we were nothing. But despite our intense dislike for each other, Ghost noticed my struggle with the water splashing into my face, and shielded me with his body. He also was holding my good arm, assisting me in steadying myself against him, since I couldn't really do it myself.

That I appreciated.

Every wave we hit I could feel his hands grip me even harder so I didn't move. I knew he cared; if he truly hated me, he wouldn't be acting the way he is right now.

We eventually arrived at the oil rig. It was unsettling how loud and creaky it was. The boat was knocking everybody left and right while they tried to use their grappling hooks to get on top of the rig.

I didn't argue any more when I was told I was going to be on overwatch in the boat. I got here, and that was a stretch. I didn't want to piss them off anymore, I knew my boundaries. Well, sort of.

The waiting game was miserable. I was itching to be up there, wanting to see the motionless bodies on the ground from my doing. I could hear the gunshots echoing off of the ocean. I was worried for all of them, but the one person I was scared of losing was Ghost. I didn't know why, he hurt me in so many ways and I shouldn't have felt that way. But I did.

My leg was bouncing up and down, I was getting anxious about this whole mission. I felt like something was going to go wrong, but I didn't know what. We were dealing with missiles of course it would be stressful.

Ghost was on the ship fighting off personnel guarding the controls. Who knew if he was going to make it out of there alive.

"We've got a problem." Graves' voice rang through my comm piece. "The controls are on that ship. We aren't making that. "

I looked behind me towards the ship he was talking about. "They don't have time."

I yelled over the comms. "I'll be there. Get there as soon as you can!"

"Get me there now." I faced the driver of the boat, seeming hesitant at first before I spoke up again. "Do you want to wait for your death or are you going to take me to that damn ship!"

He did what he was told, and started making our way to the ship. I wasn't gonna lie, I was scared shitless. I wasn't going to have any help with disarming this missile, Ghost was way too busy and the rest were still behind on the rig.

The waves pushed me around like a ragdoll. My nervousness was at an all time high, and I really didn't know what I was doing. The nighttime made it even more unsettling with the waves, wind, and not knowing what was underneath me. I could die by a goddamn shark rather than a missile. That would be my luck.

I jumped out of the boat, listening to everybody on the oil rig yelling at each other and their frantic voices trying to get out of there to help me with the missile. But I don't think that will happen.

"Visual on the missile controls! They are on the bridge. Get there and start on them Sloan. I can't be there to help you."

My legs carried me as fast as they could go. I exerted all of the energy I had to run to the bridge. I overlooked the walkway, watching as Graves and Soap joined the rest.

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