Chapter 4

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Countdown to Chaos

In the aftermath of Ghost's accomplished mission eradicating Ghorbrani, Laswell convened with Shepherd to study the outcome, having received insight on his second-in-command, Hassan. He had been providing terrorists with his counterattacks in response to the death of their beloved leader.

"He's planning something." Laswell said, taking back the tablet she had given Shepherd to show him the intel on Hassan. "He's not in Iran sir, he's on the ground in Al Mazrah, and there is only one way to find out why he's there."

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Helicopters and military trucks aligned the concrete, as personnel dispersed to coordinate the assault. A truck comes to a halt, marines pouring out, as MacTavish jumps down, joining Ghost.

"Let's get us a win, yeah L.T?" Soap says, hitting Ghost's chest. "Save ya a seat sir." Soap exclaims as he walks to the helicopter, as Ghost eyes a familiar face jumping out of the back of the truck with the marines, Sloan.

They get to their destination, with Soap, Ghost, and Hattie and the rest of the marines lining up together, jumping out of the helicopter they were dropped off from, to find the designated house in order to locate and capture Hassan.

In the distance, the same helicopter who had dropped them off, was a missile headed straight towards it. "Missile! Watch out!" The pilot screams over the comms. The team watches as the missile hits the helicopter, swirling in a cloud of smoke before it crashes to the ground.

Hattie gasps as the pilot of Alpha 0-2 finally gets on the comms "Bravo - Alpha is immobile." He says between pained coughs. "Multiple critical."

"Ghost, we need to secure that crash site now." Soap said as he eyes Hattie.

"He's right sir, I need to treat who I can before it's too late." Hattie says as she starts walking towards the helicopter, gun in hand. "I don't care who I need to kill in the process, I can handle my own."

Ghost swiftly grabs her arm, swinging her back in front of him. He glares down at her, "We clear the houses for Hassan. That takes the heat off of Alpha, then we secure the crash site. Is that clear?" He says as he drops his grip from Hattie.


Running to the first house, Ghost takes point opening the door as Soap opens fire. Hattie and the rest of Bravo enter, clearing the room until they are able to make it to the second house, clearing it as well. Following Corporal Krystek up the stairs, Hattie stands below him as she makes her way up. He opens the door, multiple bullets firing after him as he gets hit. He fires back, falling to the ground and making his way outside before lying down by the railing outside.

"Fuck, I'm hit!" He says while frantically taking off his vest.

Hattie fires her gun into the room where he got shot, turning the corner and killing more of Hassan's men before running back to the corporal. Hattie kneels down, and cuts part of his shirt by his shoulder, where two bullets pushed through the top of his collarbone. She softly pushed him forward to see if they went through, and they did. "Where else do you feel it?" She asked while he pointed to the side of his ribs. She lifted up his shirt and to his luck, one barely skimmed his side.

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