Chapter 14

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Heavy Eyes

We were back at base. It was pretty late, and everybody was going to bed. The pain in my shoulder was still there, I had patched it up but it was going to be a nasty healing process.

I needed a release. I went deep inside my bag, curling my fingers around a little box. I grabbed it and slowly made my way outside to the rocks by the pond.

The scenery seemed frozen in time the moment Ghost and I left. The moonlight, the sounds and ambience remained unchanged. I felt at peace being alone, it was silent, allowing me to delve into my own thoughts.

I inhaled deeply and reached for a cigarette from the pack, lighting it up.

The taste will always be bad, but I didn't mind the buzz. It's a habit I picked up from one of my medic buddies when we were rookies. I didn't do it unless I was stressed or confused. And right now I am very confused. I don't think I would ever get answers from Ghost about us. I don't think there will ever be an us. I think it's better it stays that way too.

But damn, ever since that night I've been feeling ... different. Even though he hurt me by leaving, I feel changed now. It's unsettling.

I took another drag from my cigarette until the unmistakable gruff voice reached my ears.

"Those aren't good for you." He walked up behind me, crossing his arms.

I tensed up. "Yeah, there are a lot of things that aren't good for me, but I still do it anyway." I kept my eyes on the water. This was the first interaction between us that wasn't just a couple of words.

My response was flat, but I wanted to stay numb to emotions now. It was better for me.

"What are you doing out here anyways?"

"I could ask you the same thing." Ghost said, leaning against one of the rocks next to me.

I watched his actions. It was almost like he was asserting his dominance against me by the way he was standing.

I shifted my gaze to him, observing the tattoo that was partially visible under his rolled-up sleeve. "What are your tattoos about?" I said, partly out of curiosity, and the other to engage in conversation.

Ghost shifted closer to me, both of us now sitting on the rock. My heart raced when his body moved closer to mine. I pushed aside my thoughts from last night and yearned for his touch once more. I didn't care he ignored me. I've learned to enjoy his presence.

"You don't want to get to know me, Sloan." He remarked, casting a glance down in my direction.

I hesitated, feeling hurt by his words. Before I knew it I took my hand and placed it on top of his.

I could feel his hand tense up by my actions. He jerked his head in my direction, glaring at me. Or at least that's what it looked like.

There was a moment of vulnerability from him. He allowed me to follow through with my actions. But it was a sudden transformation when he immediately stood to his feet.

Ghost was walking away from me, like I was the one who hurt him when in reality my heart was shattered. I didn't want to feel this way, I really didn't understand what I was feeling with him.

It's a crazy thing what someone can do to you in a matter of minutes. The memories pile up in your mind of everything that went right and wrong. You don't even consider the possibility that when someone walks away from you, it might be the last time you ever speak to them.

But I was going to make sure that didn't happen.

I ran up alongside him, trying to make him stop from entering the base. I attempted to grab his arm but once again, he pulled it away abruptly.

Undeniable || Simon "Ghost" Riley ||Where stories live. Discover now