Chapter Two

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My office door closed tightly behind me as the lights gradually dimmed, the only light coming from the afternoon sun facing my office.

I slid my hand into the front pocket of my jeans, pulling out the double diamond band with a three carat square cut diamond surrounded by smaller diamonds. The ring slid back on my left hand before meeting Sasha back at the front door.

Sasha stood there with her long velvet jacket on with her designer bag curled around her manicured fingers. "Ready?"

I nodded. We set the alarm, locking up before heading down the grey stone stairs leading to the busy streets of Brooklyn.

"It's getting nicer." Sasha let out a happy sigh, looking up at the clear sky. "I need to feel the sun. Or be on a beach somewhere getting served drinks by a cute boy."

I laughed softly as we passed the bakery and coffee shop we frequented, it was just a couple doors down and was owned by an elderly couple and their family.

They made the best croissants. The best lattes.

And during Christmas, they had the biggest selection of specialty drinks and goods.

After grabbing our wine from Angelos Alc, we arrived back at our white stone townhouse a few blocks away from our office.

As we walked up the large front stairs, the curtains were swatted open followed by the soft white and soft brown furry head looked out the window. Her mouth opened, her face scrunching up followed my an unadiable meow.

A second almost identical head popped out with a meow.

"They're hungry," I told Sasha, rolling my eyes. "As if we aren't home early. Or Alice didn't feed them before she left."

Alice was our housekeeper. She worked a few hours out of the week to clean the house and make Sasha and I meals for the week.

We were usually too busy with work to cook and had ended up ordering out the majority of the time, wasting paper plates and take out containers rather than washing a few dishes.

Once the door opened, all that we heard were the loud meows of Blue and Violet filling the front room.

"Hi, Girls." I grinned, clicking my sneakers off to the side and hanging my jacket in the nearby closet. "I'll get them dinner."

"Thank you," she mumbled, trying to make her way to the living room as both girls kept following her. Rubbing against her legs and trying to go between them. "You're going to kill me one day."

I laughed quietly to myself, setting the wine on the marble island top, the sound of small kitten paws smacking against the floors.

"Are we hungry?" I asked them, opening their wet food can and separating it onto two different plates.

Their adorable chirps and meows made my heart melt.

Even if they sometimes overwhelmed me, and made me get upset or frustrated, I always looked forward to their sweet meows. I always felt bad right after getting upset.

I missed their meows when I was away from the house.

I set their food down in front of them, scratching behind their ears. "Were you good today? I'm sure you just slept all day and watched people and birds."

After standing up, I grabbed my phone, finding a missed call from Landon.

The phone was pressed to my ears while it rang a couple times.

"Hey, Ly." Landon answered quickly.

"Hey, I was feeding the girls. Sorry. How's work?"

"I'm getting ready to leave soon, actually. I was wondering what you wanted for dinner." The sound of a door closed in the background, and keys jingled.

By DesireWhere stories live. Discover now