Floyd's eye went wide in surprise, Guy considers him as a friend? He never had someone, other than Bridget, say they are friends. Is this what friends with other trolls is like? 

He couldn't help but smile widened.

“Wow, guess you don't mind huh.” Guy said, noticing his smile. He couldn't help but smile back at the shy teen. “So, do you like anyone?”

Floyd stuttered and blushed from embarrassment as he looked at Guy with shock. Guy only laughed in response as Floyd shook his head no very fast.

They continued to talk as Satin and Chenille looked back and watched. 

The two were in trouble for causing a scene, and they felt sorry for it. They wanted to apologize but they couldn't figure out how. They aren't great with words, and they don't want to make the two brothers uncomfortable again. Maybe they should take Guy's advice. He seems to always know what trolls need.

Satin and Chenille both looked at eachother, thinking the same thing.

“Satin! Chenille!” Poppy suddenly said, interrupting their thoughts waving her hands in front of their face getting their attention. “What?”

Poppy pointed at other adult trolls with their trollings walking towards them. Is that Smidge and her moms with them? 

“Let's play!” she said while dragging the two girls over. 

“W-wait we can-


They tried to protest being dragged, but Poppy didn't listen. Is this how Branch felt?


Branch was looking around as his ear twitched to hear what sounds like voices singing songs to each other. It didn't sound like trolls, these voices were a lot louder, and everyone was too on edge to sing.

“All the birds of a feather 

Do what they love most of all

We are the best at rhythm and laughter

That's why we love carnival”

He tried to look around, trying to find the voices. But only sees hill's and the forest up ahead.

“Possibly we can sing too (la-ia, la-la ia)

Sun and beaches, they coo (la-la ia, la-la ia)

Dance to the music, passion and love (la-la ia, la-la ia)

Show us the best you can do (la-la ia, la-la ia)”

Actually it sounds like it's coming from the forest, very deep in the forest. Whoever is singing is crazy for singing that loud, he can hear them from here.

“Everyone here is on fire (la-ia, la-ia)

Get up and join in the fun (la-la ia, la-la ia)

Dance with a stranger, romance and danger

Magic could happen for real in Rio”

He looked towards Floyd to see if he noticed the voices. But his brother was talking to Guy, not looking bothered. In fact Floyd seems like he doesn't hear it at all. 

“All by itself, itself, you can't see it coming

You can't find it anywhere else, anywhere else

It's real in Rio, know something else, something else

You can feel it happen, you can feel it all by yourself”

In fact everyone else seems to not notice as well. Is he crazy? No wait, now it's coming closer.

“All the birds of a feather (oh, oh, oh)

Do what they love most of all (oh, oh, oh)

Moon and the stars, sun and guitars (oh, oh, oh)

That's why we love Canada (E ai meu Rio?)”

Suddenly from the forest birds burst from trees and into the sky. It startled everyone, and ran into the forest in a panic. Hiding in bushes, to not be seen. 

To not be eaten…

Floyd had picked him up, and hid in the bushes like everyone else. Holding him close out of fear. He didn't mind, but he still hears singing.

“Loving our life in the jungle (la-ia, la-ia)

Everything's wild and free (la-la ia, la-la ia)

Never alone 'cause this is our home

Magic can happen for real in Rio

All by itself (by itself), you can't see it coming

You can't find it anywhere else”

He looked towards the birds, and realized. Are the birds singing?

“I'm a kako wero kinga, kinga, kinga, kinga (kinga)

Birds like me 'cause I'm a hot winga

There's your hot winga (ah-ha)”

He squinted and saw them moving their beaks. It is them! He never saw birds before, only in books. He thought they make chirping noises, like the book says? Not sing like there is no tomorrow.

“Here everybody loves samba (I like the samba)

Rhythm you feel in your heart (I'm the samba master)

Beauty and love, what more could you want?

Everything can be for real in Rio

Here's something else (something else)

You just feel it happening

You won't find it anywhere else”

The birds got farther away, the singing quieting down. Trolls started to get out of hiding.

“Is everyone ok?” Peppy asked quietly. Checking on everyone. Trolls nodded confirming nobody was hurt. Peppy let out a sigh. Then grabbed a hold of Poppy and put her in his hair. Then grabbed him and Floyd and put them over his shoulder.

They didn't complain much, other trolls were doing the same with their trollings. 

What no one realized was that a young raven with stars on his wings was flying behind them keeping his distance from the trolls, he had noticed before the trolls scattered that someone heard them singing. 

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