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Branch felt like he was flouting. The wind was blowing harshly against his body. His ears were ringing as he felt…wait he isn't flouting, he's falling! He opened his eyes wide at the realization, and gasped seeing that he was indeed falling. 

Falling in the middle of a dark blue sky, surrounded by white clouds. Not seeing the ground anywhere.

He was about to scream when he heard a screech. He turned towards it, only to see a fast black figure heading towards him.


King Peppy sat down next to Floyd as the doctor finished explaining Branch's condition. Turns out the rock had broken his right leg badly when it landed on him. They said it was bad, and he might walk with a limp or worse. He couldn't handle it so he sat down.

“Is there a way to help him?” He asked, there has to be a way to make it easier for him. He doesn't want Branch to have a hard time getting around. How is he even going to tell him? Or Floyd!?

“For now, if he wakes up, make sure he doesn't walk on it, and make sure to go to us for check ups on it.” The doctor said he slumped a little in defeat. That was not an answer he wanted but will have to do. 

The doctor noticed this and apologized, “Sorry we can't do more. In the chaos of getting out we lost a bit of supplies, and it will probably be a long journey before we settle.”

He nodded in understanding, he knows they are doing their best in helping the injured. So he won't complain, it won't help. 

He then looked up at the doctor and asked, “When do you think they will be ready to move? I want us to move farther, but I don't want the injured to suffer more.”

The doctor thought for a moment then looked back at him. “I think maybe in two days we are able to move. It will be enough time to rest and to recuperate, and have time for everyone to prepare.”

Peppy thought for a moment, he doesn't want to push them but they have to get further away from Bergen Town. They could have longer rests once they are further out. This will have to do for now. He'll have to tell his people later once everything settles down.

“Thank you, I-” He began but was cut off by a scream. Everyone around him froze as they turned towards who screamed. He looked over as well to see who it was, and once he saw who it was he quickly ran over there.

To the little gray, who was looking around frantically, trying to get away from the doctors who were trying to calm him down.


Branch frantically tries to get away from the trolls as they speak calmly to him. He isn't sure what is going on, all that he remembers is the tunnels and that dream and....where's Floyd!?

Looking around frantically he tried to find his brother, but his vision was blocked by the trolls so he tried to get up. Someone grabbed him as he tried to get up, but that made him start to struggle. Where is Floyd!?

He then felt someone put their arms on his shoulder, and started to say something. He couldn't quite hear them at first, but after a moment he hears a familiar voice. 

“Branch calm down!” It was Peppy, he was holding his shoulders trying to not make him move, and looked like he was taking deep breaths. He stopped struggling and started to copy the king so he could calm down. After a few minutes of this he calmed down. 

“You ok?” The king asked, Branch nodded his head not realizing he was shaking. Peppy still looked concerned but let go of Branch's shoulders. He then asked the king in a shaky voice, “Where's Floyd?”

Peppy smiled and pointed towards a cot a little ways away, laying there a passed out Floyd. Seeing this he looked at the king with concern, but the king just smiled and said, “He's ok, just tired.”

He nodded layed back down and noticed something was missing. He looked at the king and asked, “Where's Viva?”

Peppy's smile fell and looked down, and Branch's eyes widened. Tears start welling up in his eyes. He understood that look, it meant she didn't make it. He had dreams of the tunnels collapsing and screaming, but he never thought Viva would be the one….

The king went up to Branch and hugged him. Having tears of his own in his eyes. The trolls around them backed away letting them have their moment. Then Poppy popped out of her dads hair and saw them hugging and said excitedly, “Hug time!” and joined the hug.

After hugging for a while Branch pulled away and asked, “Can I be next to Floyd?” The king looked over at the closest troll and asked them something and the troll nodded their head, he then turned his head back to him and said softly, “Sure.”

With confirmation Branch tried to get up so he could stand up, but noticed a cast around his leg. Oh, this is probably why they tried to stop him. He turned to the king and asked, “Can you help me?”

The king smiled at him and nodded his head, Poppy climbed back into Peppy’s hair, and picked him up. As they walk to Floyd's cot, the trolls around them look at them with sympathy and sad smiles. They heard the conversation so it would make sense. 

When they got to the cot Peppy set him to the cot next to Floyd, and sat down next to him. “Do you need anything else?” Peppy asked.

He thought for a moment, and then asked, “Where are me and Floyd's bags?”

“Well a troll was carrying them while we were walking, since you and Floyd were out.” Peppy answer, looking a bit puzzled “Why do you ask?”

“I, um, have a notebook in my bag that I want to write in.” he said, he really wants to write down his dream, and talk about it with Floyd once he wakes up.

“Hmm, I'll go look for them.” Peppy got up and was about to go when Branch quickly asked, “Can you push the cot closer!”

Peppy turned back around and nodded. Once their cots were together the king left, leaving Branch alone with his thoughts.

What was that dream? What was that creature that came at him? Why was he falling in the sky? He groaned in frustration, Ahhhhhh too many questions!

He flopped onto the cot and reached out his hand to hold his brother's. He wishes he is awake right now, Floyd would know what to do. 

He just decided to lay there until the king gets back or Floyd wakes up.

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