Attack of the Ogres

Start from the beginning

In the form of Rare Grade equipment.

Equipment in this world based on their properties, the material used and the overall power within could be classified into several categories.

Normal Grade.

Special Grade.

Rare Grade.

Unique Grade.

Legendary Grade.

Mythical Grade.

Each grade was different in their own way and differed in quality and power even if in the same grade level.

Heck, there was other types of equipment that weren't really official such as God Grade equipment which was a sub-category of Mythical Grade equipment and items that were at a completely unknown grade such as Shizu's mask.

Kaval: No way, this stuffs like my dream armor!

Eren: Look at the quality of those robe... and it light but sturdy. Not to mention gorgeous!

Gido: Someone pinch me! I've never own such fine equipment before!

Blake: I know, Rare Grade stuff tends to get such a reaction.

Kaval: D-Did you just say Rare Grade?

Blake: Yep.

Eren: Like the same gear above Special Grade and even A rank adventurers struggle to get?!

Blake: Correct.

Gido: A-And your just giving to us without some ulterior motive.

Blake: Indeed we are.

Rimuru: There meant to parting gifts. Some of of artisans best work.

Said artisans then came out.

Kaijin: I wouldn't call them our best work, they're only prototypes.

Garm: So, do they fit you three alright?

Dord: It's all about craftsmanship you know.

Myrd: Hmph.

Just. Speak. One. God. Damn. Word!

Rimuru: From the right, this is Kaijin, Garm, Myrd, and Dord.

Kaval: Kaijin?! No way!

Eren: The world famous blacksmith!?

Gido: And the renowned Dwarf brothers Garm, Myrd, and Dord!?

Kaval eagerly shook Kaijin's hand while Eren and Gido were literally embracing the brothers out of excitement.

With that done, we set the three off back to Blumund and got back to work.

After the whole Ifrit incident, the village was progressing at a steady but fast rate. The Goblins Lords established a system for ruling while the Dwarves had managed to make a full force of professional workers for the making of clothing and building of houses.

I was helping out Kaijin finish up some work on one house when I saw Rimuru head into a tent while looking around suspiciously.

Curious, I finished my work and my way over to the hut he was staying at and opened it.

Only to find Rimuru staring at an adult naked female version of himself.



Rimuru jumped out the sound of my voice and quickly dispelled the horror I just witnessed.

Rimuru: It's not what it looks like.

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