It was Natsu.

"Natsu! Over here!" I hollered. He turned over and looked at me in the eyes, his big, wet hazel eyes. ""

Tears spilled from my eyes as I floated straight for his chest. "Oh God, Luce....Please tell me this isn't a dream."

I stared at his face and gave him a sad smile. "I'm afraid it is, Natsu."

A single tear fell down his face of hurt. He looked away from my face and whispered, "...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." I gently touched his face and pushed it facing me. "You've got nothing to be sorry for."

"Yes, I do!" Natsu yelled, his voice echoing in this void. "I lost you because I was weak, because I was scared, because-!"

"We brought it upon ourselves, Natsu!" I blurted out. "I had a feeling Lisanna would eventually crack. You guys recently broke up, and you're with me now, a woman she despises. She couldn't keep her cool forever."

"I know, but-!"

"No buts! Fate wants us together, so it's in our power to stay together, no matter what's happening!" I felt much more calm after yelling those words out. Natsu stared at me with no expression, the tear on his face disappearing in his skin. He wrapped his arms around me gently. "No wonder why I love you so much," he said out loud, "you're too damn truthful."

I chuckled softly. "So that's why you love me?"

"Mmmhmm," he hummed. He gently pressed his lips against mine, and I swear fireworks were exploding in the back ground. We pulled away from our kiss and just smiled at each other. "Ahem!" Liora suddenly coughed, bringing back to this half-way reality. "I believe I need an introduction, please."

I smiled and flew by my twin sister. "Natsu, this is Liora. Liora, this is Natsu." Natsu looked at Liora with wide eyes. He examined her from top to bottom, and he did the same with me. "My God, you guys are twins..Except for the fact that Liora has a pixie cut."

We both giggled. Liora floated towards Natsu, examining him as well. She sighed. "Well, I can't blame you Lucy. He is pretty attractive. But he is lacking muscle."

"Hey!" Natsu exclaimed, making me laugh. 

"Im sorry, it's a sad truth!" Liora laughed as well. It felt good to laugh along with the two people I love the most. I held a tight grip on Natsu's hand, and he sqeezed it back. "Lucy, do you have any idea of where you two are?"

I thought about it for a brief period of time. " I was awake for a little bit, so I was able to see a little background to our location."

"Tell us" Liora exclaimed.

I thought back and told them, "I remember....a statue...a statue of a fairy."

"A statue of a fairy? But the only place that has that is....Oh my God!" Natsu gasped.

"What?!" We yelled in unison.

"I know where you are! You guys are still in Fiore!" Natsu announced.

"W-W-What!" I exclaimed.

"That's impossible!" Liora gasped. "The papyrus messages that Lucy told me are from the south, Tenzanamu!"

"I remember...," I muttered.

"Tell us, Lucy!" Natsu pleaded, holding both of my hands.

"I remember...tunnels...long disanced tunnels..I looked up and apartment!"

"So the tunnel system is under your old apartment!" Natsu cheered with excitement. Suddenly, Natsu's color slowly began to fade. He looked down at himself with horror. "What's happening!"

"You're awakening," I explained.

"Will I remember anything from this moment?" Natsu asked.

"Every single word of it," Liora smiled. I floated towards Natsu and gave him a tight hug. "Please, find us. Quickly."

"I will...I promise," he whispered, gently kissing me on the head.

And with that, Natsu disappeared, and we did as well not that long after.

I woke up to a sharp pain on my arm. I groaned. "Geez, now I have to pinch you to wake you up," Liora groaned.

I smiled wearily. "Yeah, I guess so." Suddenly, I heard the pitter patter sound of someone rushing. A small elf-like creature appeared in front of our cell. He was a quivering little thing dressed in a green puffy shirt and trousers to match his skin. To my amusement, he reminded me of the little bat from Anastasia. "M-Master will see you  now."

My heart froze for a minute. We're finally going to see him/her. The person who wants us for our power. I looked over at Liora, who was looked horrified. I grabbed her hand, and she instantly calmed down. We stood up, and followed the little elf. "The name's Rafeef. Don't forget it."

I could feel a presence behind us. I took a quick glance to see metal armored guards behind us, their spears sharpened to the tip. No escape, I hissed in my mind. 

After travelling through the tunnel system for what seemed like breathless ages, we finally reached what looked like the main foyer. From a distance, I saw Tritizina with her scythe, along with Boreas, Pan, Lisanna and Xihe. "How are they even alive?!" I whispered.

"As long as the Master is alive, they can't die," Liora whispered back.

We stopped in the middle of the room, where Rafeef hopped to the hooded figure. "Master, I have brought the prisoners."

"Good job, Rafeef. The time has almost come," it finally spoke. The voice struck me hard. I knew that voice. An unforgettable voice. I didn't want to believe my ears, but I just had to be sure. "M....Master?" I whispered.

The hooded figure turned around, and that's when I saw her face.

Madam Solar.

"N...No! How could you!" I screamed, Liora holding on to me.

"Ah, Lucy. Don't be upset, my dear. Everything will be finalized at last."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I screamed.

"My plan to bring the Spirit World and the Human World together, after centuries of separation!" She exclaimed, a clap of thunder followed. I gazed at her as if she was crazy. "B..But you said that was impossible?!"

"It was, but not now. Tomorrow, on your twenty fourth birthday, Aurora's Tears will appear, and the opening to the Spirt World shall be visible. Both you and your sister shall be the key to opening it permanetly," Solar unraveled.

"But what's the benifit of all this!" I screamed.

"That," she said, "is to destroy this world and all its people and replace it with the Spirit World. Permanetly."

My eyes went wide. My jaw dropped. No. She couldn't do this. She can't! She won't! "And you two will be the ultimate sacrifice that the Spirit World will need."

"Us?!" Liora finally spoke.

"Yes, you two. You will be burned by the Celestial Fire of Seasons, and your souls will forever make the Spirit World powerful!" She laughed like a maniac, bringing fear into my body. I suddenly realized something. "What about some of your subjects! Lisanna, Tritizina, Boreas, Xihe, and Pan! They're not Celestial Users!"

"Ah, that is for me to figure out. Until tomorrow, it might be best to return to your cells. Your last moments should be together," Solar winked.

When we return to the cell, everything is silent. I'm in Liora's arms, not moving. I don't even think I'm breathing. "....Is there any hope left, Onee-chan?"

I looked up at her and see tears in her eyes. Tears fall down mine as well.

"I don't know, Liora.....I just don't know."

Learning to Love {NEW FAIRY TAIL NALU FAN-FICTION!!!!!!!!}Where stories live. Discover now