youre trying to look cool, you look like a fool to me

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Chidori knocked on Shizuka's bathroom door. "Hey, Freckles?" he called out. He was dressed in his work suit, bag slung across his shoulder, ready to go off to work. He heard the water to the sink stop.

Shizuka hummed loudly.

"Uh, Ootori's here."

Shizuka slammed the door open, almost knocking Chidori off his feet. Shizuka was dressed in a baggy band t-shirt, that used to be his dad's before he stole it, and knee length shorts. His hair was more of a mess than it usually was, wet and tangled. He had a tooth brush hanging out his mouth as he looked at Chidori confusingly.


He asked, going back over to the sink and spitting out some toothpaste.

Chidori looked over him as he continued brushing his teeth. "I thought you would know. He asked for you, and now he's waiting outside with his chauffeur. You didn't have anything planned with him today?"

Shizuka gurgled some water and spit it back out, putting his toothbrush away while he wiped his mouth.


He grabbed his hairbrush.

"Well, wherever you guys are going, stay safe, have fun, don't talk to strangers." Chidori said with a bit of a joking tone, going over and leaning down to press a kiss on the scar that graced Shizuka's forehead.

Shizuka hummed with a nod. Chidori left the bathroom and soon, the house.

Shizuka grunted as his brush got stuck on one particular hard knot in his hair. He rubbed his head with a frown. He perked up when he remembered about Kyoya, and rushed downstairs to his front door, opening it up and looking to the side, seeing Kyoya sitting on one of the chairs on their patio.

Kyoya looked at him with a small smile. "Good morning."

Good morning. What are you doing here?

Kyoya got up from the chair with his hands in his pockets. "We're meeting up with the others at Haruhi's house."

So, we're going to visit her?

"You could say that."

Then let me finish brushing my hair...


The whole situation at the beach had been  a few weeks ago, and Kyoya nor Shizuka had brought it up. But, Shizuka finally found out that Kyoya liked him. It sort of shocked him, though, he probably should've seen it sooner. Kyoya could try and try to hide it, but it was always going to obvious how much he actually cares about him.

And while it was true that Shizuka had a crush on Mori back in his 1st year,  that's all it was. A crush. He got over it a few months later, when he knew there was no way Mori would feel the same way. But he thinks he always loved Kyoya. Yes, loved, because there was so much more to what Shizuka felt about Kyoya, even if it hasn't been that obvious. 

When Shizuka said, This is the most alive I've felt in years. He meant that when he was getting hurt by the guys, he felt alive. Shizuka only feels alive when he's getting hurt, or when he's with Kyoya. He can start to feel his heart beat faster, and that's the only thing he needs to feel to be alive.

A hand resting on top of his thigh is enough to make him snap out of his thoughts. He turned quickly to Kyoya, seeing as he was the one who did the whole gesture. They were in the backseat of one of Kyoya's cars, because another car was bringing the others.

Shizuka's hands were fidgeting with each other, that he didn't even notice. He released his hands and crossed them over himself.

"Do you know how loud your thoughts are?"

capture it all (ouran high school host club x male oc)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن