you take the man out of the city, not the city out the man - !longer chapter!

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Koji Arai had been a childhood friend of Shizuka and Sora's ever since they were six. At first they were a trio, then came Nami, and finally, Genki. But ever since Shizuka transferred to Ouran for middle school, he lost contact with every single of his friends. He was sure he had written down their house phones somewhere, but that paper was lost.

Shizuka curled his hands into fists, suddenly getting a little nervous about seeing Koji. Wow, did he look... different. Interesting, even. He was taller, that was given, but Shizuka always remembered being taller than him. Now they were roughly the same height. And his hair was longer and messy, dyed black from his original blond. He even had tattoos! Shizuka can see what kind of look Koji was looking for, but he never expected this would be it.

It took a long time before Shizuka and Sora were able to break away the guarded and shy shell Koji encased himself in. And now, he looked like he was just asking to be to be put on the spotlight.

Dewa smiles nervously at Haruhi. "So uh, these your friends?"

Shizuka walked over to Koji slowly, tilting his head while he examined him more closely.

Koji quickly glanced away. There was the Koji that Shizuka remembered. Getting nervous and always being a little reserved. Koji cleared his throat, trying to hide his red cheeks as he made eye contact with Shizuka again. "Hey, h-how you been... man..?"

Shizuka blinked at him, then a wide smile started to break out, letting a small laugh escape his lips.

Hikaru and Kaoru looked over Shizuka and Haruhi recognizing their old friends. And while Kaoru was displaying shock, Hikaru was much more displeased. Shizuka never smiled at him like that, why does this Koji guy get to have that moment?


Haruhi went on break shortly after Dewa stopped by and sat a table. Koji and Shizuka were sat across each other as well on the same table, in their own conversation.

"I haven't seen you since elementary. Wow, you... you changed." Koji said, tapping his finger against the table. "Are you... a dude? I almost didn't recognize you until I saw your eyes."

Shizuka smiled softly and leaned forward on the table slightly. "Yeah, I'm transgender, FTM. You know, born girl then transitioned to present and identify as a guy?"

Koji grinned. "I know what it means. If you're happy that way, then that's g-good to hear."

Kyoya is at a different table with the 3rd years. "So, then he's a friend of Shizuka's from elementary school, huh?" he said.

Hikaru was at a nearby counter with Kaoru right next to him, not looking at Shizuka or Haruhi or their friends. "They've had zero contact for years, so in my opinion, they're not friends, just former classmates."

Kaoru looked at him. "Hm?"

"So these guys, are all in a club with you?" Dewa asks Haruhi.

"Host Club." Haruhi says, almost sounding ashamed.

Koji looked surprised at Shizuka. "That's what you decided to join? I don't know, but I-I always thought you would be more into uh, art and stuff."

Hikaru raises his empty glass, the ice clinking. "Hey, Shizuka-Senpai! Think you can go and get me some more juice?" he calls down.

Shizuka furrowed his eyebrows and looked at Hikaru. His face relaxed face and he turned to the other guys, wanting an explanation. When he doesn't get one, he turned back to Hikaru.

"I mean, if you want. C-Can it wait, though?"

Haruhi shook her head at Hikaru's antics, but quickly froze when she started to hear paper being torn apart. She looks over to her left and sees Tamaki crouching down away from everyone while tearing up paper. "Hey, quit making more garbage I'll have to take that out."

* ˚ ✦ capture it all (ouran high school host club x male oc) * ˚ ✦Where stories live. Discover now