it starts with love and ends with you

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"Why, you're infamous. It's not everyday a commoner gains entrance into our academy. Unless of course, you are Shizuka." Kyoya said, glancing his gaze over to the side.

"Isn't that right?" he continued.

Haruhi looked to the other side of the room from the six boys who were in the middle, finding one more who was silently sitting on a red couch with a canvas propped up in front of him on an easel with a pretty impressive art piece in the middle of being done.

Shizuka's head snapped up and turned around to look at the new person who stepped his way into the Host Club.

There's more!? Haruhi thought, still backed up against the door, getting even more distressed.

Shizuka went to wave at Haruhi with a smile, but then he stopped as he blinked at him, before squinting his eyes.


He hummed to himself while putting his hand down. With one last look, he turned to Kyoya's direction, then back to his easel and continued on his work. Or at least he tried to, the conversation that was happening behind him made it hard to.

"You must have an audacious nerve to work hard enough to fight your way into this school as an honor student Mr. Fujioka."

"Well, uh, thank you... I guess."

Shizuka sighed softly and put his paint pallet down, fidgeting with the paintbrush in his hands.

After hearing for a while longer, he got most of what was happening now.

Haruhi Fujioka was an honors student that was accepted into Ouran through his academics, which lead to a scholarship. Kyoya already threw it out there that Shizuka was also a commoner, which is what the students at Ouran basically called anyone who wasn't as rich as they were.

Shizuka was here at Ouran on behalf of his artistic skills ever since he was a first year in middle school. He was an excellent painter, as well as a photographer. He did a lot of advertisements for school events and school clubs with such care, how could he not be part of Ouran?

But was he part of the Host Club? No. But his friends were, so he spent most of his time there in Music Room 3.

He had good relations with Kyoya and Tamaki back in middle school, so he just kind of followed them to their Host Club. So, here he was one year later as a 2nd year, currently in the middle of two other projects for an upcoming party and ordering himself new camera. All expenses paid for, obviously.

And he should be working on those projects right now, but those were taking a long time, he needed something else to paint and do.

Just when Shizuka was going to go back to his work, he heard the loud sound of glass shattering.

He froze, hands going still before they started to tremble. He quickly turned back to see what had happened, and saw Haruhi slumped over the stand a vase was previously resting on, clearly having attempted to catch it before it had fallen.

The vase was broken into hundreds of small pieces on the floor with everyone staring at it for a second before the Hitachiin twins started to speak after letting out loud sad sighs.

"We were gonna feature that renaissance vase in an upcoming school auction!" Kaoru said.

"Well, now you've done it, commoner! The bidding on that case was supposed to start at 8 million yen!" Hikaru said.

"What!? 8 million yen!?" he let out a distressed groan as he counted on his fingers. "How many thousand yen is that? How many thousands are in a million?"

* ˚ ✦ capture it all (ouran high school host club x male oc) * ˚ ✦Where stories live. Discover now