stay a while and then youll see a different side of me

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"Kasanoda? I-I'm... changing."

"Uh. My... bad!" Kasanoda croaked out.

Emerging from the changing room in a swift dive, he forcefully closed the door behind him. Taking a moment to regain composure, he gradually opened his eyes only to find himself confronted by both twins, their intense gazes piercing through him.

"Peeping Tom!"

He screamed in response, his legs shaking intensely.

"You saw?" Hikaru inquired.

"Didn't you Bossa Nova?" Kaoru narrowed his eyes.

"No! I didn't see!" he pleaded, shaking his head. "I mean, I caught a glance, yeah, but it was all so fast that I didn't-it was just an accident! I swear to you that I am not a pervert!" Kasanoda cried out, placing a palm to his forehead.

As the other hosts observed from the sidelines, Tamaki's body gradually lost all color. His uniform seemed to lose its vibrancy as well, while he stood rigidly with his mouth gaping open in sheer disbelief. Following Tamaki, it was Honey's turn to confront Kasanoda. The expression on his face was indescribable, but if one had to capture it in a single word, it would be petrifying.

"Of course you would say that. Sure sign of a guilty conscience."

His body tremors intensified, growing increasingly severe, and he found it increasingly difficult to maintain his grip on the door.

How is it that the lovely item is the scariest person in the room?

He took a glance over at Kyoya, and paled, seeing how his eyes narrowed and a scowl was set on his face.

I take back what I said!

He swallowed and then lifted his head up. "Shizuka-Senpai's... okay, right? All those scars weren't inflicted by himself? His chest looked the worst."

Kaoru turned to Hikaru. "Red alert. He's onto Shizuka's little secret."

"That's not good."

"So, let's hear it." Hikaru stated.

"How much of him did you actually see?"

Kasanoda looked down, and started to mumble. "Well, he was changing... I saw h-his chest-"

Tamaki snapped out of his trance and just stood with a gaping mouth and his body slumped forward.

"So what do we do?"

"There's only one thing to do! We have to induce amnesia." Hikaru said as Kaoru went behind and strained Kasanoda by his arms. Hikaru took out a wooden bat. "Hold him."

Kyoya was beyond upset right now, don't get him wrong. But he didn't know whether to go see how Shizuka was doing or see how much pain The Twins were going to put upon Kasanoda. Both seemed like very good options.

He rolled his eyes and put up a hand. "That's enough you two, leave assault and battery to the professionals. It would be far too much to clean anyhow."

Kasanoda looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you? Made of ice?" Kaoru accused, sending Kyoya a glare. "How can you be so calm about this? He just walked in on your b-"

"Your friend!" Hikaru interrupted quickly. "The boss seems more affected! Look! He's face first on the floor!" he said, pointing his baseball bat to Tamaki, who was indeed, on the floor, face first.

Haruhi smiled nervously and kneeled down, poking Tamaki's shoulder. "Uh, Tamaki-Senpai?"

"Well," Kyoya sighed. "now that it appears the proverbial cat is out of the bag. Let's talk." He pushes up his glasses. "It is very unfortunate you saw Shizuka in such state, especially when he did not allow you to. You seeing him like that was unplanned for, and I can not tell you what it is for anything else as it is not my place. While we can't physically force you to cooperate exactly, there is something to bear in mind. Coming from the sort of family you do, I'm certain you hear all sorts of juicy little rumors. Enough to know what is true and what is not. Take the Ootori's police force, The Black Onion Squad, it is said that they can be mobilized against our enemies in a blink of an eye." Kyoya finally smiled at him, but it is by no means friendly at all, and more of a 'you better understand what I'm saying or there will be problems' smile. "You have heard of them, right?"

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