times when i will need you

360 18 6

"Now you've done it!" Tamaki screeched.

Shizuka looked up from his computer quickly, tilting his head to the side, trying to see what Tamaki was yelling about from behind a vase of red roses.

"It's done alright." Hikaru says, looking at a tipped tea cup.

The music room was empty, which it usually is when Honey is taking his naps. He was snuggled with his blanket on a couch, deep in sleep. Shizuka, Kyoya, and Mori were at a table working on separate things. Mori was reading a book, Shizuka was currently editing and touching up some photographs, and Kyoya... who knows what he does?

"But it wasn't our fault." Kaoru looks over at Usa-Chan, Honey's pink stuffed bunny, who had tea spilled over him on top of a small table.

Tamaki choked, the stress in his voice only growing stronger. "What! You idiots, you're the ones who bumped into it, right!?"

"Only because Haruhi was running away!" Hikaru defends, having latched onto the girl along with his brother.

Shizuka glanced at them while he tried to go back to his work. But with the back and forth from The Twins, Haruhi, and Tamaki, it was pretty impossible. Shizuka groaned and placed his head in his hands.

"Excuse me, we don't have any guests at the moment, so I don't mind if you make a racket, but Shizuka's trying to work." Kyoya then turns to the group, taking a pause in his typing. "And please, be careful. You don't want to wake Honey-Senpai."

The whole room turned cold as everyone froze. Shizuka gulped nervously while his hands turned clammy.

Haruhi went to where Honey was sleeping and looked him over. "He's a 3rd year who still takes afternoon naps? Well, we're gonna have to tell him about the bunny at some point. Let's just wake him up and apologize."

Shizuka gasped and quickly got up from his seat, ducking down behind Mori's chair, clutching the armrests. If anyone can handle Honey after his naps, it's Mori.

"No wait! Don't get any closer to Honey-Senpai!" Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tamaki all whisper shout to Haruhi. They hid behind a red couch while waving over her.

"Come back!" Tamaki hurriedly waves her over. "It's safe over here!"

"What're you talking about?" Haruhi questions, going over to where they were. She bends her knees to hear them better.

Shizuka tentatively straightens his back out, peeking out from behind Mori. They aren't going to wake up Honey, are they? He's a pretty deep sleeper, it'll be fine.

"Now this may just be a rumor, but the Haninozuka family once visited a U.S. military base to give combat training. Supposedly, Honey-Senpai slept through most of it because of his jet lag..."

As Tamaki told the story, Mori put his book down and turned to the side to look at Shizuka. "Are you alright?"

Yeah. I'm just remembering about this one time that I had to wake up Honey-Senpai.

Mori raised an eyebrow with a hum.

He punched me.

"On that day, he wiped out two entire platoons of soldiers, and not just any soldiers, green berets! And I've heard we've had diplomatic issues with America ever since that day."

Oh, Usa-Chan... he was soiled! Usa-Chan was handmade for Honey by his late grandmother, and he carried it everywhere. It's his prized possession. Shizuka can't even imagine what he would do if something that important to him got ruined.

So, with a deep breath, he slowly got up from his crouching position and grabbed Usa-Chan. He got protests from Tamaki, so Shizuka just turned around to them with a finger to his lips.

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