and im right over here, why cant you see me

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Shizuka's mouth was slightly open as he tried focusing on adjusting his camera lens. When he was satisfied with the adjustments made, he put the camera back in front of his eyes.

Today in the Host Club was more of a tropical theme. The worst part? It was starting to get ready humid in there, at least to Shizuka it was. No one else was complaining, but he felt like he was in a sauna. So much so, he took off his blazer and discarded his tie so he was left in his pants and the white button up with the two top buttons undone with the sleeves rolled up.

He turned around to take a picture of the twins while they were in the middle of doing their act, when Haruhi's large brown eyes were right up in the lens. Shizuka flinched back and put the camera down, letting it hang around his neck.

"Wow, Senpai, what don't you do?" Haruhi asked with slight amusement in her voice.

Shizuka let out a deep breath and a smile, waving at her and just shrugged with his hands.

"Hey, where's your tropical getup? Everyone one else is wearing their costume." Haruhi asked.

Shizuka pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen and got to writing. Haruhi felt a little bad, she really needed to get started on sign language classes. 

I'm not a host nor am I a member of the Host Club. I don't get the luxuries like you do. He joked.

"What? You aren't?"

I thought you knew. I just hang around here.

"I don't know, Kyoya-Senpai kind of made it out that you were one, and you working with the twins..." Haruhi trailed off

Shizuka rolled his eyes.

Hikaru and Kaoru drag me in their acts sometimes without me knowing. I don't really care, though, but Kyoya seems to despite doing the same thing. He doesn't let any of guests talk to me when I'm working. I know I can get distracted easily, but I don't think it's that serious.

"Are you two close?"

I've known him since we were 3rd years in middle school, I like to say

"I don't mean to interrupt,"

Speak of the devil.

Haruhi faced Kyoya with a confused face.

"But as far as I know, Shizuka needs to get these pictures in by the end of the day and Haruhi, you're completely booked, please stop the gossip and go on your way."

"Uh, yeah, okay. Sorry, Senpai." Haruhi mumbled, giving Shizuka back the piece of paper as she went on her way.

Shizuka sighs and puts his pen away and walks up to Kyoya, tapping him on his exposed shoulder. Kyoya looks up at Shizuka with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, Shizuka?"

You didn't have to send Haruhi away like that. She was just asking some questions.

Kyoya hummed, looking down at his clipboard. "Club hours isn't the time to be chatting when there is work to be done, I suggest getting back to taking photos."

Shizuka frowned, getting a bit frustrated. He exhaled from his nose.

You're not getting the point. I appreciate the fact you understand that I like it to be quiet when I work, but I don't want to be alone. I noticed you barely let me talk to any of the club members, and I feel like it's only been getting worse since the start of this school year. Hikaru and Kaoru were just doing their job, and Haruhi was just asking questions.

capture it all (ouran high school host club x male oc)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin