Chapter 20 | Fear Death

Start from the beginning

"You'd be wise to know what you can't and will not have," Addison says, a warning to the girl, and her eyebrows furrow, her hands clenching as anger washes over her face.

"You dare to threaten me!? I'm the daughter of the village chief, a crime like this deserves life in prison, or worse, death."

I hear a chuckling sound in my mind, it's probably Shadow, why's he laughing? By now, people have broken away from their business and started to notice the commotion happening between Addison and this girl.

"What's happening with Merilee and that black-haired girl?" I hear someone say, "Are they fighting over there?" Someone else says, "Is that the chief's daughter? What's she doing?" By now the entire crowd is whispering about what's going on over here and suddenly, a man holding pride and power walks through the crowd, accompanied by guards at his side.

"What's the meaning of this?" The man asks as he looks at Merilee, and I can see the resemblance between them, bright blue eyes and tanned skin, the only difference is his hair is back and grey, she's his daughter.

"This girl was threatening me, saying she was going to burn me with her fire craft!" Merilee says in a dramatic voice, what a good liar, Daddy's little girl. The man looks at Addison, stepping closer to her and she tenses up, feeling the powerful aura coming from him. "She's lying, I never said any of that!" Addison says and the man furrows his brows.

"She's lying daddy, please believe me," Merilee says and the man sighs.

"Believe Merilee, we saw the black-haired girl was threatening her!"

"That girl can't be trusted, arrest her."

"She uses firecraft, I saw it with my own eyes."

"The crowd has spoken, threatening a member of the royal family is a crime worth prison, as well as the usage of the forbidden arts of fire craft, if you should resist your arrest, death will follow." The man says and he signals his guards to come forth. They approach Addison and reach their hands out but go still, only just noticing me now. I stare down at them from behind Addison, she walks back slowly and her back becomes pressed up against my chest. I rest my hand on her waist for reassurance, and she slowly snakes next to me.

"Step away from that man, I told you, if you resist, death will follow, so choose wisely." The man states again and a dark chuckle leaves my lips, the sound echoing throughout the silent town.

"What do you know of death, child?" Shadow speaks through me to the man, and suddenly the air becomes filled with a cold and heavy presence, the darkness beginning to leak out of me. The man's eyes narrow, I can see and feel his distress but his trying to mask it with fleeting confidence.

"Who do you think you're talking to?" He questions with authority and I merely stare down at him, his guards raise their swords and I shake my head in amusement.

"You'd be very wise to tell your men to lower their swords, threatening the prince is a price not a 100 of you could pay," Dan says from beside me, my team taking out their swords.

"Prince? Why would the prince be here?" The man asks and I raise my hand, showing him the silver ring around my finger, the ring showing my family crest. He narrows his eyes at the ring and he backs away slightly, raising his hand so his guards put their swords away.

I look onto the crowd. "My name is Drake Vulcan, Prince of Alose, I stumbled upon your village whilst I was on my journey in search of something for the kingdom, if you wish to find refuge in case you fear an attack from demons, go to my kingdom, you will find a home there," I say and the crowd gasps, clearly stunned that a prince is in their presence.

"Even if you are the prince, this girl still has to answer for what she did." The man says and my eyes narrow into slits, my dark gaze meeting his.

"She belongs to me, anyone who dares to harm her will die by our hand, you understand, don't you?" I say darkly as I see the shake of fear in his eyes. He lowers his head and steps back.

"But Daddy, this bitch needs to be punished," Mileena says and I hear Addison huff with frustration.

"Bitch?! The only bitch here is you, you dirty fucking slut!" Addison says with fury in her voice and Mileena's eyes widen with anger. She grabs the sword out of one of the guard's sheaths, and faces it toward Addison.

"Let's see where that mouth gets you," Mileena says and rushes towards Addison, swinging her blade.

"Mileena, stop!" Her father shouts and suddenly, my great sword flows out of my hand, darkness coating the long blade as her sword shatters on impact. The shattered pieces hit the floor, the sound ringing in everyone's ears. I raise the blade and place it to her neck, sliding the edge against her throat.

"Do you fear death?"

To Be Continued...

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