Chapter 14 | Whispers

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"And if I could, I'd get you the moon,
And give it to you,
And if death was coming for you,
I'd give my life for you."

Get You The Moon - Kina & Snøw


Addison's POV:

Drake's lips are feverish against mine, as we kiss, rough, hard, desperate for more.

My eyes flutter closed, and I forget everything except his lips and hands cupping my ass. An intense hum of pleasure pushes through me as his hands come Inbetween our bodies, rubbing his thumb along the waist band of my Jeans, lightly playing with the metal button holding my pants together, his playing with me.

He tastes like mint, the heat pouring from him filled with darkness and lust, consuming me. The intense, dark desire radiating off of him in rapid waves, seeping into me in all the right places, feeling as if his hard erection is pushing his energy inside me, the feeling of it against my clothed pussy, is beyond words, I'm feeding off his need.

I can hear my heartbeat racking against my chest, the sound blaring in my ears, bursts of flames burning throughout my entire body. Drake's hands move to my thighs, his big hands sprawled against my warm skin. The sudden coldness of something against my skin, sliding his hands lower down, the sharp feeling dragging on my skin, snapping me out of a lustful daze, pulling away, my breathing in heavy pants.

His eyes flutter open, the grey darker than usual, that demonic power overcoming him again. I look down, and I see curated claws extending from his fingertips, piercing my skin ever so slightly, blood seeping through. "I'm sorry." He says and lifts his hands up, blood trickling down his fingers slowly.

"It's okay. Drake. . ." I say quietly, holding his hand, sliding my fingers along his claws, curious as to why this is happening. I don't feel fear, no worry or any hostility coming from him, atleast none of the hostility is directed towards me, even if it's not humanly possible to grow fucking claws out your hands, Drake did erase a Golem with an energy ball.

"What's happening to you? You know something, but you're not telling me." I ask, and he stiffens underneath me, a dark purple flashing in his eyes, but as fast as it appears, it disappears.

"I-I don't know, yet. There's something inside me, something powerful, a demon. . ." He says under a hushed tone, our lips barely apart, his hot breaths fanning my face, tempting me to kiss him again.

"A demon?" I ask, placing my hands on either side of his face, making him hum softly. He seems hesitant to speak, like something is watching us.

"A Demon Lord, his listening to us right now, I can hear his silent whispers in my head, his looming darkness over and within me."

Drake's voice comes out in a whisper, his words making me internally cautious, almost like I can hear those faint whispers in my ears as well, making me shiver. I don't question Drake's words, I believe him, it's crazy but I believe him, it's almost like it's all so familiar what's happening, like I knew this was going to happen. . .

"We should go tell the guys that we're done here, don't want to keep them waiting too long." He says, and I nod in response, sliding off his lap, my body becoming cold and empty from the absence of the heat he made me feel.

Drake opens the door and tells them to come inside, which they do, bustling in like a candy shop has just opened, tripping over each other, landing on top of Drake, bringing them to the ground, falling in a heap on the floor. "Could you'll be anymore clumsy?!" Drake shouts from underneath them, pulling himself out of the ball they created.

"It's a little hard to walk when people are tramping on your heels!" Dan shouts, glaring at Don, who has a wide grin on his face. Drake huffs, rolling his eyes playfully, a small smile on his lips. Their childish behavior makes me giggle, seeing Drake loosened up for once, not always concerned about his Knightley duties, protecting his friend's. . .

And protecting me.

My mind reflects upon every moment Drake and I have spent together, every time his literary risked his life to protect me, killed for me. No ordinary man can just go around killing monsters, slaying demons and making it through completely unscathed. I'm guessing it has to do with that powerful, demonic presence looming over him, that supposed demon lord inside him.

My thoughts are cut short when Drake walks to me, giving me a towel whilst the guys lie in their beds, ready to sleep. "It's been a rough couple of days. I'm guessing a showers been on your mind." Drake says and I realise it's actually been nearly a week since I've bathed, but I'm not saying that out loud, it's to fucking embarrassing. I take the towel from his hand, our fingers grazing, making memories of how those fingers were inches away from being inside my pants, feeling how damp I was for him. How is this possible? It's humanly impossible for every single time him and I have skin on skin contact, it literally burns with a searing heat, and not to say in a bad way, but it's pleasurable, it clouds my mind and thoughts, making my body desire him and only him, but it's beyond just desire at this point. My soul is yearning for him, for his body, his mind, his heart, I want all of him to myself, it's selfish but I don't care, I deserve to be his, to be his belonging.

It might be toxic but I still don't care, I can't lose him, I need him. . .

I love him.

"You alright?" He question's me, rubbing his hand down my arm, the skin wherever he touched lighting up instantly with satisfaction.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about someone. . ."

I pause for a moment, staring up into his ominous grey eyes, then down to his lips, feeling the heat creep to my cheeks and butterflies flutter in my stomach at the thought of kissing him again. I step closer, standing up on my toes, connecting my lips to his, finding the confidence to finally do it, our lips move slowly against each other's, and I see him trying to restrain himself from touching me, because the guy's are right behind us. He pulls away slowly, and I lean back down, my smile is probably wide.

He leans down, his warm breath fanning my neck as I feel his lips touch my ear, "Get in that shower before I take you in the next room and show you what my tongue can really do." He says in a dark tone, his dirty words making my head spin, blood rushing through me.

I dart to the bathroom, closing the door behind me quickly, resting my back against the door. My heart is racing, his words nearly sending me over the edge, the idea of him devouring my pussy almost turning me into a desperate mess.

Focus Addison, just get in the shower and try not to think about the Raven haired boy right outside my door, the boy that makes me have the most unholy thoughts at the sight of him, I'll just forget all about it for now. . .


To Be Continued...

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