The Toys Who Saved Christmas

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It was evening when Jason and Michelle were looking at scrapbook that had pictures of their Grandmother and Granddad when they were young. That was when their grandmother came to the scene and sees the pair. Grandmum: "Ah, I see that you found the scrapbook." Michelle: "Yeah... so is this really granddad?" Grandmum: "Indeed it is, we had so much fun back in the old days... oh the wonderful memories..." said Grandmum, before Jason turns the next page, which shows a picture of Grandmum and Granddad in front of a Christmas tree." Jason: "Hey, is this you and Granddad during Christmas?" Grandmum: "Indeed... that was our first Christmas together... and it was the year where we learned the true meaning of Christmas." Michelle: "Which is about what?" Jason: "Oh come on sis, everyone knows what it means, it's the time where you get awesome presents." Grandmum: "Actually, it means a lot more than that." Jason: "Really?, like what?" Grandmum: "Well... why not ask Bob and Larry over there?" asked Grandmum, before Bob and Larry came to the scene. Bob: "Hello Grandmum." Larry: "Hi!" Grandmum: "Hello boys." Michelle: "Wait... you know they're alive?" Grandmum: "Of course, you didn't think you two were the first ones that met them, did you?" Jason: "Uh..." Bob: "So... you really think that Christmas is all about getting stuff?" Jason: "Well... kinda... does it mean more than that?" Larry: "Yup, there's actually a story about a place that didn't get Christmas." Michelle: "They didn't had Christmas?!" Bob: "No, he meant that they didn't really understood what Christmas meant... it was called Dinkle town, and it's about how some toys saved Christmas from being ruined." Jason: "What do you mean?" Bob: "Close your eyes and listen to the story." Jason/ Michelle: "Okay." said the twins, before they closed their eyes, and then the scene changed to show a land covered in snow, and had a lot of pine trees being covered in snow as well. Somewhere on the snowy land was Dinkle town, and there was a mail truck that just arrived and had a package that was to be delivered to House number 4. when the people got the package, they brought it inside House number 4, and opened it to reveal a Christmas tree. Suddenly, the TV came on, and a commercial about Scallion 1 pretending to be Santa Claus, tricking the people of Dinkle town to believe that Christmas is about getting more toys, which caused the kids to be all whiny until they get what they want. At some toy factory on top of a snowy mountain, the scallion trio were watching the kids through a telescope. Scallion 1: "Oh yes!, it's working wonderfully!" Scallion 2: "It is?" Scallion 3: "You mean we were supposed to make those kids be all whiny?, I don't get it..." Scallion 1: "You see boys, the only way their parents are gonna make those kids stop whining is to buy them lots of toys, and as the owners of this toy factory, we'll make out like bandits." Scallion 2: "Oh!, I get it now!" Scallion 3: "Wow boss, you're very Wiley." Scallion 1: "Thank you, now let's start making some toys, we got money to make, and that's what Christmas is all about." said Scallion 1 with an evil smile on his face. Elsewhere in the factory, the toys were being made, but four of them were different from the others, for they were alive, and they were the Threads, who didn't like the idea of Christmas being a time for being greedy and stuff. So later when night came, in their boxes, they were doing some thinking. Bobbin: "This can't be right... Christmas can't be a time for being greedy and get all whiny..." Rags: "Yeah... there must be more to Christmas..." Lacy: "I believe we're really missing something..." Patches: "Ya got that right, there must be more to Christmas..." Bobbin: "But... what?" Rags: "No idea... I wish I knew..." Lacy: "Then let's go find out." Bobbin: "You mean... getting out of here on our own?" Patches: "That might work." Rags: "Yeah, there's no way we'll find out if we just stay here, so let's go!" so with that, the toys got out of their boxes and ran off to the closest exit door, and got out of the factory. However, they slipped on some ice and rolled down a hill and got trapped in some snow. The next morning came, and Bob and Larry were riding on a sleigh, sliding down a hill before seeing something that looked like feet sticking out of a pile of snow. Larry: "What's that?" Bob: "I don't know... but they look kinda like feet." said Bob, before he and Larry pull the feet and then out came the Threads. Lacy: "Oh, thank you, we've been trapped in there since last night." Larry: "You're welcome... who are you?" Lacy: "I'm Lacy." Bobbin: "I'm Bobbin." Rags: "I'm Rags." Patches: "And I'm Patches." Bob: "Nice to meet you, I'm Bob the Tomato." Larry: "And I'm Larry the Cucumber." Bobbin: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you, anyway... we gotta go find out what Christmas means." Bob: "What do you mean?" Bobbin: "Well... from what we heard, Christmas is a time to be greedy and get all whiny... but that's not true... is it?" Bob: "Why of course not." Lacy: "So... do you know what it really means?" Larry: "Sure, come with us." said Larry, before he and Bob lead the Threads to their place, where they tell them a story about Baby Jesus from a very old book, which was in fact the story of the very first Christmas. Patches: "Gosh... that was a wonderful story... but what does that have to do with Christmas?" Bob: "Everything, for you see, that night was the first Christmas, it was a day to celebrate the day of Jesus, the son of God, being born, and Christmas is not about getting... it's about giving, like giving gifts to others is more important, like God giving us his only son... which was the greatest gift of all..." said Bob, which made the Threads very happy as they finally know the true meaning of Christmas. But of course the story was far from over, as while they knew now know the true meaning of Christmas, everyone else was still in the dark. Which was proven when Bob, Larry and the Threads see all the whiny kids running around, begging for more toys and all that. Lacy: "Oh dear... it's gotten worse, we gotta tell Dinkle town the true meaning of Christmas." Bobbin: "But that TV commercial didn't just got showed in Dinkle town, it went everywhere, we got to tell everybody everywhere." Bob: "But Christmas is tomorrow, how could we go everywhere in time?" Larry: "Santa Claus managed to travel the world in one night." Patches: "Yeah, but we're not Santa Claus." Rags: "This is hopeless... Christmas is ruined..." Bobbin: "No... there must be a way... we just need to think..." Lacy: "Wait!, I got it!, we need to get back to the toy factory!" Rags: "What?!" Patches: "But why?" Lacy: "Well... there's a TV studio there, right?" Bobbin: "Yeah?" Lacy: "Well since it was a TV commercial that got us into this mess... maybe another one can get us out of it." Bob: "That's a great idea!" Larry: "Let's go then!" so with that, the Threads, along with Bob and Larry, went to the Toy factory, and when they did, they found the TV studio, and started to broadcast their own commercial to tell everyone about the true meaning of Christmas, which made everyone very happy. Well everyone that is, except for the scallions, who just found out about their studio being used and ran up to the door and captures the group, tied them up in ropes. Scallion 1: "So... you thought you could try ruining our Christmas, did you?" Bob: "No, that's not it at all, we just wanted to tell everyone what Christmas was really about." Scallion 1: "Do you really think they care about that?, I mean if those people really cared about what you had to say, where are they now?" Scallion 2: "Yeah?" Scallion 3: "Where are they?" Zidgel: "We're right here!" called out Zidgel, who along with his crew and the veggies of Dinkle town came to the scene, much to the scallions surprise. Scallion 1: "Huh?!" Scallion 2: "Uh..." Scallion 3: "Uh oh..." Midgel: "You got that right." Fidgel: "You got some nerve on trying to mess with Christmas." Kevin: "Yeah, it's not nice." Pa Grape: "We care very much about the true meaning of Christmas." Jimmy: "That's why we came here, to give you three what you deserve." Jerry: "Yeah, what Jimmy said." Scallion 1: "Wha wha... oh!, you didn't think we were gonna hurt them, right?" Scallion 2: "No no!" Scallion 3: "It was just a little joke... really..." Scallion 1: "What are you gonna do?" Zidgel: "Why to give you these of course." said Zidgel, before he and the others give the scallions each a present. Scallion 1: "Huh?" Scallion 2: "Are these..." Scallion 3: "For us?" Jimmy: "Yup, since Christmas is about giving, we decided to give you something." Jerry: "Yeah, we hope you'll like them." said Jimmy and Jerry, before the scallions opened up their presents, and see that they each got a cute little teddy bear. Scallion 1: "Teddy bears..." Scallion 2: "We... always wanted one..." Scallion 3: "But our families were too poor... thanks... I feel so... happy..." Scallion 1: "Gosh... I guess there's much more to Christmas than just getting stuff after all..." Bobbin: "That's what we were trying to tell everyone." Larry: "Yup." Scallion 1: "Gosh... we're really sorry for the trouble we caused..." Scallion 2: "We'll try to make it up." Scallion 3: "We promise." Bob: "Good to hear... so maybe... you can free us for starters." Scallion 1: "Huh?, oh yes, of course." so with that, the scallions freed the group from the ropes, and later, when night came, everyone was back in Dinkle Town and celebrating Christmas, but most of all, they were celebrating for finally understanding what Christmas was really about, and to them, it was no doubt the best Christmas ever. That was when the scene changed back to Grandmum's cottage, and the kids were amazed. Jason: "Wow... so was that how Dinkle Town learned the true meaning of Christmas?" Bob: "That's right, and I hope that you learned it too." Michelle: "We sure did." Larry: "Good to hear, well we better be off now." Grandmum: "See you two later." said Grandmum, before Larry and Bob left the scene, while Grandmum continues to show more pictures of herself and Granddad in the scrapbook to the kids.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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