Larry-Boy & The Rumor Weed

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It was a new day at Grandmum's cottage, and after helping Grandmum fixing the dart board, Jason and Michelle were helping Grandmum on planting some flowers in the garden. Grandmum: "Ah... Spring and Summer are the best seasons for growing flowers, not to mention that the weather can be so nice too... when it's not raining of course." Jason: "Yeah... though sometimes I wished that I was at space camp... I once heard a rumor that kids like me would be called losers if I didn't go there..." Grandmum: "And you believe it?" Jason: "Yeah, so?" Grandmum: "Well you shouldn't listen to rumors so often, for reckless words can pierce like a sword, but saying nice words can heal." Jason: "What do you mean?" Grandmum: "I'm sure you'll figure it out, now then, I better go inside and start make us some lunch, I'll call ya when it's ready." said Grandmum, before she goes off into the cottage to start making lunch for herself and the kids. That was when Bob and Larry came to the scene, and it wasn't long before Jason and Michelle noticed the pair. Bob: "Did I hear right that you believe a rumor about kids being called losers just because they were missing out space camp?" Jason: "Yes, that's right." Larry: "Jason, believing in rumors isn't always a good thing, it can hurt others." Michelle: "How so?" Larry: "Well... maybe the story of Larry-Boy learning a lesson about the power of words can help ya." said Larry, before he, Bob, Jason and Michelle closed their eyes and the scene changed to the city of Bumblyburg, where something from outer space fell to Bumblyburg, and landed into a storm drain that leads to the sewers. Michelle: "Was that... another Fib?" Larry: "No... it's something else... something that causes a big mess just by telling a tiny little story..." said Larry, as he glares down at the storm drain. When morning came, Larry of the story comes to the scene, and he was thinking about something that Alfred said. Larry: "I don't get it... why would Alfred say that was gonna go home and recharge his batteries...?, wait... could he be a... robot?!" gasped Larry, before a voice that said 'could who be a robot?' was heard, and Larry turns around to see what looked like a weed with yellow hair, glasses and big red lips. It was called the Rumor Weed (voiced by Gail Bock), and she was the alien that fell to Bumblyburg last night. Rumor: "Well?, who could be a robot?" Larry: "You're a talking weed!" Rumor Weed: "I'm a talking weed, you're a talking cucumber, your point?" Larry: "Um... alright... fair enough." Rumor Weed: "So come on, tell me who could be a robot?" Larry: "Well... it's about my butler Alfred... I think he might be a robot." Rumor Weed: "Really?" Larry: "Yeah... but I don't know for sure yet... anyway, I should go now, Alfred's waiting for me." said Larry, before he leaves the scene, unaware that the Rumor Weed had an evil grin on her face. Some time later, at Larry's mansion, the cucumber was looking over the garden that Alfred made not too long ago, when he sees the Rumor Weed in the flower bed. Larry: "Hey!, how did you get here?!, and what are you doing in Alfred's flower bed?" Rumor Weed: "Just passing by, anyway, did you hear about Alfred?" Larry: "What about him?" before the weed could answer, Alfred calls him from the mansion, saying that the mayor of Bumblyburg is calling him from the phone, so Larry went inside to answer the phone. Turns out that the mayor called Larry to see if he could get Larry-Boy, for the city is being invaded by lots of weeds, which looked and act exactly like the one Larry encountered not too long ago. Larry went off to get his Larry-Boy costume, and went off to try getting rid of the weeds, but it turns out that they were indestructible as it seems when Larry-Boy tried to use a lawnmower or garden scissors but they didn't work. With the tools not working, Alfred asked Larry-Boy to use his ear to scan the weed to find out more about what they were dealing with. Once Larry-Boy came back to the Larry-Boy cave, Alfred was on the computer. Alfred: "The data is fascinating..." Larry-Boy: "Have you figured out how to stop it yet?" Alfred: "No, not yet, but this is not an average weed, it doesn't photosynthesis." Larry-Boy: "Why do we care if it takes pictures?" Alfred: "No, it means that plants absorb sunlight to turn it into energy to grow, but these weeds don't do that... they're not getting their energy from sunlight..." Larry-Boy: "Then where do they get their energy from?" Alfred: "I can't figure it out, they're feeding off something, but I don't know what..." said Alfred, as he looks at the computer that shows the image of Bumblyburg being covered by many weeds. Larry-Boy: "Oh my... the weeds are everywhere!" Alfred: "Yes, and not only that, these weeds are strong enough break through streets and brick walls, if we don't stop them... Bumblyburg will be..." Larry-Boy: "Destroyed!" gasped Larry-Boy, before he bumps into the controls for the satellite, which sets it to look under the ground of Bumblyburg. Alfred: "Look... the satellite is showing what's going on under Bumblyburg..." Larry: "The weeds... they're all connected... but what's that really big green thing under Bumblyburg?" Alfred: "... It could only be one thing... the Mother Weed... and how do you take out a weed... you go to the root!" Larry-Boy: "Um... so you're saying... I have to go down there and destroy the Mother Weed?" Alfred: "Yes, and don't worry, I gave some features to the new Larry-Boy mobile that will really come in handy for this mission." said Alfred, before the Larry-Boy mobile drives out of the cave and off to find the Mother weed. Alfred told Larry-Boy to push the yellow button, which sets the Larry-Boy mobile to fly into the sky, before Alfred tells the cucumber to push the red button, which removes the vehicle's wings, causing it to fly. Larry-Boy freaked out, but Alfred was calm as he tells him that it's part of the plan, before telling him to push the blue button, which sets the Larry-Boy mobile to turn into a drill that tunnels into the ground, heading for the sewers. Once the Larry-Boy mobile got to the sewers, Larry-Boy tries to call Alfred, but the radio wasn't working, due to sewer wall being too think for the transmission to get through, which was a real problem as now Alfred can't give Larry-Boy his directions. And to make matters worse, the Mother Weed, who was huge compared to the other weeds, have shown up and starts to beat up Larry-Boy. Mother Weed: "Face it cucumber, you can't stop this weed!, and thanks to your story, I'm getting bigger by the minute!" Larry-Boy: "What are you... talking about?" asked Larry-Boy as he was weak from the beatings he got. Mother Weed: "Why, the story about Alfred being a robot." Larry-Boy: "...What?" said Larry-Boy, before the Mother Weed grabs him and then she begins to go up and burst through the ground, in the middle of Bumblyburg, where Alfred was and he screamed by the sight of the weed, who them uses her other hand to grab Alfred as she grows around the biggest building and was now on top of it. Alfred: "I can't believe this... how could those people think I'm a robot...?" Larry-Boy: "What?" Alfred: "When I found out that you were in trouble, I went into town to find help, but the people think I'm some dangerous robot for some unknown reason!, they think I'm an evil machine that plans to take over the world!" Larry-Boy: "What?!, who said that?!" Mother Weed: "You did of course, remember?, you told one my little weeds that Alfred was a robot, right?" Alfred: "Larry... is this true?" Larry: "Um... sort of... I never said you were evil... I just thought you might have been a robot when I heard you said that you were gonna go home and recharge your batteries." Alfred: "No master Larry, that was a figure of speech, when I said that, I meant to say that I was tired and needed to go home and rest." Larry-Boy: "Oh... oops..." Alfred: "Listen, if you ever hear something that sounds bad or weird, go ask your parents about it, but don't spread rumors, and even if it's true, God doesn't want us to spread words that can hurt, he wants us to spread nice words." Larry-Boy: "Oh you're right Alfred... you're not a robot at all... you're a very nice man..." said Larry-Boy, before some flowers bloomed on the Mother Weed, much to the two veggies' surprise. Alfred: "What in..." Larry-Boy: "Hey... that's it!" Alfred: "What's it?" asked Alfred, before Larry-Boy calls out to the people that Alfred was not a robot, but a very nice man, and it wasn't long before the people then started to remember the times Alfred helped them and felt guilty for accusing Alfred to be a robot, before they all shouted to the Weed that Alfred was a nice man. Suddenly, flowers started to bloom all over the Mother Weed, until she got turned into a giant flower herself. Suddenly, Larry-Boy and Alfred slides down the former weed's roots and landed in front of the people of Bumblyburg. That was was a scream was heard and falling down came the former Mother Weed, who was now back to her original size and landed in an empty flower pot. Rumor Weed: "Oh nuts!, defeated by nice words... I... [seeing Larry-Boy and the other of Bumblyburg glaring at her] uh oh..." Larry-Boy: "You've been a very bad weed..." said Larry-Boy, before the cops came and took the Rumor Weed away to prison as punishment for wrecking the city and telling bad rumors about Alfred. Larry-Boy: "Alfred... I'm really sorry about spreading that rumor... I messed up big time..." Alfred: "Well that's all in the past now, and you managed to stop the weed, so don't beat yourself up about it." Larry-Boy: "No need... the weed beat me up first." said Larry-Boy, before he falls over, and Alfred picks him up and takes him home. The scene changed back to the garden, and Jason and Michelle were amazed by the story. Jason: "Wow... who knew the power of words could do that." Michelle: "Yeah... those rumors really hurt Mr Alfred." Larry: "Yeah, you got to be careful with words, or you could hurt somebody, but you can heal them with nice words." Bob: "That's right, so you have to make sure that even if the stories are true, you should never spread rumors that can hurt others, God wants us to spread nice words." Jason/ Michelle: "Got it." Bob: "Well we better be off now, see ya later." said Bob, before he and Larry left the scene, which happened at the same time Grandmum showed up. Grandmum: "Alright children, lunch is ready." Jason/ Michelle: "Alright!" called out the kids, before they run inside the cottage to have lunch with their grandmother.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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