God Wants Me To Forgive Them?!

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It was morning when Jason and Michelle were having breakfast, and they couldn't stop thinking about what happened last night. Grandmum: "Something on your minds?" Jason: "Uh... not, just uh... I had a really strange dream last night... one with talking vegetables..." Michelle: "Me too." Grandmum: "Really?, was there a tomato named Bob and a cucumber named Larry?" Jason: "Yeah... how did you knew that?" Grandmum: "Well... maybe perhaps that dream you had... wasn't a dream at all, after all, you're not the first ones to meet talking vegetables." said Grandmum, before Michelle accidentally spilled milk on the table and onto Jason's pants. Jason: "Hey!" Michelle: "Sorry." Jason: "Ugh, why do you have to be so clumsy around me?!" Michelle: "I said I was sorry." Grandmum: "She's right Jason, you should forgive her." Jason: "I don't know why I should... she always finds a way to have an accident around me..." Grandmum: "Believe me Jason, you and your sister will both feel better if you forgive one another, now I'll be off check on my garden, and I expect you to have forgiven each other by the time I get back." said Grandmum, before she leaves the scene, leaving the kids along in the kitchen. Michelle: "Come on Jason, at least try to forgive me." Jason: "I don't even know why I should..." of course that was when Bob and Larry came to the scene. Bob: "Well we can help you on that." Larry: "That's right." Michelle: "What the?!, Bob and Larry!" Jason: "So it wasn't a dream... what happened last night was real!" Bob: "Yes, and we couldn't help overheard you saying why you should forgive your sister... well we can help you with that." Michelle: "How?" Larry: "Well... we can tell you the story of... The Grapes of Wrath." Bob: "Oh... that's a classic, this will be good." Larry: "Once upon a time, there was a very cranky grape and two French peas." Jason: "What?" Bob: "Um... are you sure that's how the story starts?" Larry: "Yeah... now don't interrupt please." Bob: "Right, sorry." Larry: "I forgive you, anyway... once upon a time, there was a very cranky grape and two French peas..." said Larry, and the group were using their imagination to change their surroundings to what looked like some woods, hills and a dirt road, where a car that was being driven by a grape named Pa Grape (voiced by Phil Vischer), and his two adopted boys, Jean-Claude (voiced by Mike Nawrocki) and Phillipe (voiced by Phil Vischer), who are known as the French Peas, and with Pa Grape, they were known as the Grapes of Wrath. They were very cranky and sour, and they don't like anyone getting in their way either, which was proven when a tree (one with a face) got scared of seeing the grapes driving towards him, and he ran away and jumps into a lake. At the moment, Pa Grape and the peas were driving in their car, when suddenly, they hit a bump, which sends the French Peas flying out of the car and landed on the ground. Phillipe: "Hey Jean-Claude!, what did you do that for?!" Jean-Claude: "I didn't do it Phillipe!, you did it!" Phillipe: "I did not!" Jean-Claude: "You did too, you casserole head iguana boy!" Phillipe: "Pa!" called out Phillipe to his pa, who just got out of the car. Pa Grape: "Now Jean-Claude, apologize to Phillipe." Jean-Claude: "Whatever for?" Pa Grape: "Well he just became a grown up." Jean-Claude: "Wee, so?" Pa Grape: "So that would make him a casserole head iguana man." Jean-Claude: "Oh, sorry about that." Phillipe: "Wee, and don't you forget it." said Phillipe, before Jean-Claude noticed a group of living stuffed animals not too far away. One was a teddy bear named Bobbin (voiced by Millie Hurley), the second was a lamb girl named Lacy (voiced by Alexis Gladd), the third was a rabbit named Rags (voiced by Andy Decker), and the last one was a pony named Patches (voiced by Greg Whalen), and together, they were known as the Threads gang. Jean-Claude: "Pa, there is a group of strangers over there." Pa Grape: "Oh you're right, what do you suppose they are?" Phillipe: "Well... they're not grapes or peas, that's for sure." Pa Grape: "Must be a group of some kind of strange vegetables..." Bobbin: "Um... we're not vegetables, we're stuffed animals." Jean-Claude: "Stuffed?, you mean you're fat?" asked Jean-Claude, before he and Phillipe started laughing at the stuffed animals, which made them feel bad. As for Jason and Michelle, they couldn't help but feel sorry for the Threads gang. Michelle: "That's not nice... don't they know that what they said was mean?" Larry: "Well that's just it, they didn't know how bad they made the Threads feel." Jason: "Oh dear... so what happened next?" Larry: "Well..." said Larry, before the scene went back to the Threads. Lacy: "I'm not fat!, I'm a lady!" Rags: "Hey!, who are you calling fat!" Patches: "Calm down you guys, let's not make a scene." Bobbin: "I agree, let me talk to them." said Bobbin, before he went over to Pa Grape and the French Peas, and tells them that when you make fun of others, it makes them feel very bad inside and it hurts God's feelings too. Pa Grape: "Well gee... I guess we never stopped and think about it... we didn't mean to upset ya or anything." Phillipe: "Wee, sorry about about that, we were just having some fun..." Jean-Claude: "Wee, never meant to be mean." Pa Grape: "We'll never be mean again." Bobbin: "Okay, that's better, so we'll forgive you." Jean-Claude: "What is how you say, forgive?" Phillipe: "Wee, never heard of it." Bobbin: "Well it's something you say to someone who said they were sorry, it's something God wants us to do." Pa Grape: "Oh, I see... what's your name?" Bobbin: "I'm Bobbin, and these are my friends, Lacy, Patches, and Rags." Phillipe: "... Rags?" Jean-Claude: "His name is Rags...?" said Phillipe and Jean-Claude, before they started to laugh, which made Rags very mad. Rags: "Okay... that's the last straw!" said Rags as he was about to charge towards the peas, only to trip on a rock and rolled into the sandbox. Lacy: "Rags!, are you okay?" Patches: "Say something!" Rags: "... Ow..." Pa Grape: "Boys!, we promised not to be mean again, remember?" Phillipe: "Oops... sorry... I guess we messed up that one..." Jean-Claude: "Wee... we were how you say... rude idiots as it seems... sorry." said the peas, before the scene went over to Jason, Michelle, Bob and Larry. Jason: "Wow... glad they straighten that out." Larry: "Yes, so after that, the Threads forgave them." Rags: "What?!, are you serious!, you expect me to forgive them again, after they made fun of me again?!" Jason: "He has a good point, why would he do that after what the peas just did?" Larry: "Because if we forgive each other, it makes us and God feel better too, and the Bible says that whenever we're sorry for something, God will always forgive us." Jason and Rags: "No matter what?" Larry: "Yes, no matter what." Rags: "Wow!... but how many times are we suppose to forgive them?" Bob: "Um... I think it's 70×7..." Larry: "Ooh... but uh... do you know what 70×7 is?" Bob: "Hmm... no... how about you?" Larry: "Nope..." Bob: "Well... does anybody know what 70×7 is?" Pa Grape: "Um... let's see... uh... 70... and 7... er... 77?" Jean-Claude and Phillipe: "490!" All: "Ooh..." Bobbin: "Those are some smart peas." Larry: "Well there you have it, 490 times." Rags: "Wow, I guess we all have to forgive each, even if we make the same mistake more than once." Bobbin: "That's right, so with that, we forgive you all." Pa Grape: "Thanks, well... sense we're gonna be nice from now on, I don't think we should be called the Grapes of Wrath anymore." Jean-Claude: "But what should we be called then?, the Grapes of Nice?" Pa Grape: "No... that's not it..." Phillipe: "Wee... it's not as catchy... no." Patches: "You know, you two peas sure got a lot of smarts when it comes to numbers... maybe you could be... the Grapes of Math!" Lacy: "Oh yes, I like that." Bobbin: "Yeah, it has a nice ring to it." Pa Grape: "You're right, it's perfect!, thanks again kids, we'll be off now." Jean-Claude and Phillipe: "Bye!" said the Grapes of Wrath, or Grapes of Math now, before they went back into their car and drove away from the scene, which changed back into the kitchen. Bob: "Wow, that was great... but um... are you sure that's how the story goes?" Larry: "Oh yeah... this version anyway." said Larry with a wink. Bob: "Oh Larry, do you remember the time when we learned about forgiveness?" Larry: "Oh my goodness, how could I forget?" Michelle: "What happened?" Larry: "Oh you mean that you wanna hear it?" Michelle: "Sure." Jason: "I am curious about it myself." Bob: "Okay, well then... it all started on a sunny day, when Larry and I were doing a summer job that involves taking some passengers on a small 3 hour cruise." said Bob, before the scene changed to show the docks, where a little boat was located, and Bob was the skipper while Larry was the first mate. Jason: "Were there any passengers?" Larry: "Yup, there was Archibald for starters." Bob: "And the Threads as well." said Larry and Bob, before Archibald and the Threads gang came to the scene and went onto the boat. As they were sailing, Bob and Larry were watching the horizon ahead of them. Larry: "Ah... lovely day, isn't it?" Bob: "Oh yes... just smell that salty sea air... anyway I'll go check the passengers, and Larry, try not to daydream." said Bob, before he goes off to check on the passengers, while Larry steers the boat. It wasn't long before Larry started to daydream of him being a pirate that must smash some ice to free some whales that were trapped in it. That was when Bob came to the scene. Bob: "Larry!, I thought I told you not to daydream!" Larry: "Oh... sorry Bob, it was only for a few seconds... and it's only an iceberg." Bob: "There aren't any icebergs around here, the waters are too warm here." Larry: "But then... what's that?!" asked Larry, before he and Bob screamed as they see that they were sailing right into a large rock, which the boat smashes right into, causing it to sink while Bob, Larry and the passengers were sent flying right into the beach of an island behind the rock. Lacy: "Oh... what happened?" Rags: "Was that supposed to happen?" Bobbin: "I don't think so..." Patches: "Yeah, I didn't think so either." Archibald: "What in the world happened?" Bob: "Simple... we just an accident due to a certain cucumber that was daydreaming while driving the boat!" Larry: "Um... sorry... I kinda thought it was an iceberg... only now I can see it was a rock, and rocks are a lot harder than icebergs..." Archibald: "The waters here are much too warm for any icebergs, what were you thinking!" Bob: "You smashed our boat!, now what we gonna do?!" Larry: "I said I was sorry..." Bob: "Well that's not good enough!" shouted Bob, before he hops away from the scene, leaving Larry alone and feeling very bad inside. Jason: "Did you really say that to him?" asked Jason to present da Bob, who looked down in shame. Bob: "Yeah... as much as I hate to admit it..." Larry: "It wasn't your fault Bob, you were just mad, and you had every right to be." Bob: "Even so... I went too far..." Michelle: "What happened next?" Bob: "Well... a bit later, we began searching for things to help us survive on the island." said Bob, before the scene went back to the story, and Bob was on top of a palm tree, trying to get some coconuts. As for Rags, he built want looked like a catapult. Rags: "This should do the trick." Lacy: "What's that you got there?" Rags: "Our ticket out of here, we could built a giant catapult to fling us back home, and I can show it how it works with this model, first wind it up and have this coconut, representing Bob, on it, now pull this rope and..." said Rags, before pulls the rope and the catapult flings the coconut into the air, which hits Bob on the head, causing him to fall down from the tree and lands on top of Bobbin and Archibald. Lacy: "Oh my gosh!, Bobbin!, are you okay?!" Bob and Bobbin: "...Ow..." Rags: "Oh dear..." Archibald: "You landed on my head!" said Archibald to the tomato. Patches: "It's a good thing that Bob's a tomato and not a rock." said Patches, before Bob gets up and glares at the stuffed rabbit. Bob: "You bonked me on the head with a coconut!" Rags: "Sorry about that, I didn't mean to hit ya with it, can you forgive me?" Bob: "Well... I guess it was an accident and you said that you were sorry... so I'll forgive you." Rags: "Thanks..." Bob: "And Bobbin, Archibald, I'm really sorry for falling on you both, can you ever forgive me?" Bobbin: "Of course we'll forgive you, we know you didn't mean to, and I knew that you would've gotten badly hurt if we weren't there to break your fall." Bob: "Yeah, thanks." Archibald: "Well it certainly feels good to be forgiven after making a mistake." Bob: "Yeah, if I made a mistake and said I was sorry, and people still wouldn't forgive me, I would feel just terrible." Lacy: "You mean like Larry?" said Lacy with her arms crossed, glaring at the tomato, who just realized what she meant. Bob: "Oh... yeah... Larry did say he was sorry for smashing the boat." Rags: "And that was just an accident too... just like how I accidentally hit you with that coconut, or you falling on Bobbin and Archibald..." Lacy: "And we didn't forgave him at all..." Bobbin: "Oh dear... we better find him." said Bobbin, before he and the others begin their search for the cucumber, who was sitting on the beach looking very sad. Bob: "Hey Larry, are you okay?" Larry: "Not really... you don't like me anymore..." Bob: "No Larry, I still like you, and I forgive you for smashing the boat." Bobbin: "We all do." Larry: "Really?" Bob: "We realized now that everyone makes mistakes somethings, and it was wrong for us not forgiving you." Larry: "You mean it?" Bob: "Yeah, can you forgive us for not forgiving you earlier?" Larry: "Well... okay, I forgive you guys." said Larry, which made everyone sigh in relief, before a voice that said 'hello' was heard." Archibald: "Did you say something?" Lacy: "No, it was that tree over there." said Lacy, pointing at a living palm tree named Palmy (voiced by Jeff Morrow) that has come to the scene. Bobbin: "Who are you?" Palmy: "I am Palmy, and this is my island, and I'm so happy to see you have forgiven each other, it makes me want to sing, do you mind?" Larry: "No, go right ahead." said Larry, before Palmy started to sing. Palmy: "♪You know in your heart, we can forgive♫, ♪it is the only way to live♫, ♪obey God and see that way we can live in harmony♫, ♪since God has forgiven us it's true, you forgive me, I forgive you♫, ♪I'm gonna start to show forgiveness from my heart♫!" Patches: "Bravo!, that was super!" Archibald: "Indeed, short, but has a lot of meaning." Lacy: "Now if only there was a way for us to get back home..." Bob: "Yeah... but at least we're all friends again." Bobbin: "Hey... has anyone seen Rags?" Larry: "Nope..." Palmy: "He's up there." said Palmy, looking up and see a helicopter, made of bamboo and coconuts, piloted by Rags himself, flying above the group. Rags: "Hey guys!, do you like it?, I made it entirely out of bamboo and coconuts, pretty cool huh?" Archibald: "Not bad at all." Rags: "Well, climb aboard everyone!" said Rags, as a ladder was now lowered down, allowing everyone, excluding Palmy, to climb up and take a seat on the helicopter. Larry: "Hey Bob, can we do a lemonade stand like everyone else next summer?" Bob: "Sure Larry, that sounds like a good idea." said Bob, as the helicopter flies away from the island, and Palmy says goodbye to them. That was when the scene changes back into the kitchen. Jason: "Wow... you two sure learned a lot about forgiveness on that island." Larry: "Yeah, and we also learned that we could make a lot of things with bamboo." Bob: "But the point is that we must always forgive each other cause God wants us to, and to it makes us feel better too." Jason: "Yeah, now I know why we must always forgive... so Michelle, I forgive you." Michelle: "Thanks Jason, and thanks you guys [noticing that Bob and Larry were gone] Bob?, Larry?" Jason: "They're gone..." Grandmum: "Who's gone?" asked Grandmum, who just came to the scene. Michelle: "Oh never mind... just our imagination getting us again I guess." Jason: "Oh uh... I managed to forgive my sister." Grandmum: "That's a good boy, it's always important to forgive one another, just like how God always forgives us... now then, come one children, what do you say we take a little walk outside?" Jason: "Sure." Michelle: "I'm up for it." so with that, the twins went off to follow their grandmother on taking a little walk.

Here is a video that this chapter is based on.

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