Chapter 17: She Knows

Comenzar desde el principio

Ciel's POV

"Listen, you said you needed a compatible demon correct?"

She eyed me warily before answering, "yes..."

"If... I were a demon, would you be compatible with me?"

Her eyes widened, as she took in a sharp breath, "Ciel-"

"Yes or no?"

"..I don't know Ciel..."

"Then at least try to use me to unlock your demon sword- then we'll find Arthur and leave this place." I replied in a confident tone, looking at Y/N in the eyes. That's when she suddenly lifted her hand to my face.

And placed it on my cheek.

I was confused for a moment before she tore off my eyepatch to reveal the red eye of a demon. Not soon after, my other eye turned an identical colour.

"Ciel, does she know?"

"She does."

"Then she'd expect us not to be compatible."

I let out a shaky sigh. I still couldn't move despite being able to speak again.

She dropped her hand from my cheek before carefully taking the glove off of her left hand, revealing the markings of her curse. She picked up my limp hand and pressed it onto the markings, causing them to glow ever so slightly. 

In reaction to this, Y/N gulped. 

"Tick, tock, your time's up, sweet Ciel~ Y/N here has to make her decision now!" Saraath cooed, as she licked her lips in hungry anticipation, "we all know I'm gonna get what I want in the end though... Hehe! And to speed up things a little, I've sent some of my darling Ents[1] to that portal of yours~ It'll keep your dear Sebastian busy mind~"

I felt Y/N's grip tighten around my hand protectively as the markings glowed a brighter shade of red.

"I-I...," Y/N paused before continuing, "I'm going to kill you Saraath!"

Y/N swung her sabre off of the ground mightily, letting go of my hand, the markings glowing brighter than ever before, but she didn't seem to be pained by them. She clenched her jaw tightly, as she dashed forth to attack. I had never seen her so determined before. Saarath smoothly moved out of the way, but Y/N soon surprise her by bringing down her sword upon the summoning spirit's head in quick recovery. But Saraath had caught the blade. 

"You fool!" Saraath glared at Y/N dangerously her arms shaking slightly as she pushed against Y/N's newfound strength, "You'll never find out where Arthur is if you kill me!"

"That's where you're wrong," Y/N quietly replied, "once you're dead, Arthur will easily be able to break free from whatever trap you put him in and come to me. This world was accustomed to you, and with you gone, it is nothing."

Saraath's eyes revealed a hint of fear, but her mouth soon curled into a smirk.

"You can't have everything you want Y/N," she snarled, "you'll learn that soon, spoilt brat."

I felt helpless- even if I knew I was giving Y/N her strength. The only thing I really knew I could do, was to call for my only loyal pawn in this game that I didn't mean to cross into. 

But I didn't want to call for him- no I wanted to prove to Y/N that I could save myself, Arthur, and most importantly, her. 

My muscles tensed as I sensed my movement come back to me. Saarath was getting weaker. I glanced over at Y/N, and I could see the hatred and rage in her eyes, the same look that I had for those whom had tortured me and charred my innocence away. 

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora