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◦•●◉✿𝓛𝓞𝓒𝓚𝓔𝓓 𝓤𝓟✿◉●•◦


"Folks, listen up. I know this is a situation but let us not burn ourselves in guilt. We'll figure a way out. I know we'll do. We may break the box or do something else, but let's just calm down and think about it tomorrow morning." Felix tried to improve the situation.

The others were still silent and shaken by the incident. Sighs filled the atmosphere. Alex was drowning in a feeling of extreme shame and guilt. He avoided eye contact with others. Felix, being the responsible eldest, didn't want the tense situation to get to their heads. He tried to calm them down.

"Come on now, it's time you go to bed, quickly, Alex and Aria go to sleep now. No more staying awake now, it's already late. Goodnight." Felix advised.

The younger ones were very reluctant to go to sleep, especially Aria. But Felix was very firm with his words. With grumbles and frowns, they headed to bed. Ironically, they went into dreamland just within a few minutes. Felix chuckled seeing them sleep like a rock after fighting to stay awake.

Felix discussed about what had happened to their phone with Lisa, who was very anxious about it. Both were worried about how they were going to contact their parents. They felt guilty about how they didn't stop Alex from putting all of their phones in that box. They were after all the older ones and things shouldn't happen under their supervision. They were supposed to keep watch of younger ones. But the incident happened so quickly, that it slipped right past their hands.

After some time, they also fell asleep as they were very tired.

The sun once again took dominance of the sky, and sunlight spreading through the vast canvas and seeping through the leafy canopies of the trees was good proof of it. Birds chirped away melodies and cuckoos sang the most melodious of their songs.

The four woke up, one by one. They were still tired, because of how late they slept at night. They slowly got out of bed and brushed their teeth.

Alex was the last to come into the living room. He was barely able to open his eyes, so he tried to open them forcibly by stretching his eyelids open. The others chuckled, seeing his silly actions.

The chuckles faded in a millisecond when everyone's eyes went to the box kept on the table. Memories from last night flashed before their eyes and, made them visibly anxious.

They all definitely were not going back again, nu-uh! That was clear! They all tried to convince parents so much for this trip, of course, they were not going even a step nearer to home.

They discussed how they could get their phones back. The discussion was very, very long. They finally came to a conclusion – There was only one way of getting their phones back, not to mention it was pretty risky for their phones, and had a Fifty-Fifty chance of working.

The way was to break the box, which was definitely not an easy task. They tried to break it by hitting, thrashing, and even tried to burn it. Nothing affected the box. Soon enough, they realized that they couldn't apply a proper amount of force in the caravan. They decided that they should go outside and try some other methods with the things available there.

Felix reached for the door handle and pulled. The door didn't budge. With no initial shock, he tried again, this time he pulled it even harder. Again, the door didn't move an inch.

"It's locked," Felix exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief. "But how? We didn't lock it from the inside."

Lisa stepped forward to investigate, her fingers tracing along the edges of the door frame in search of any clues. "There must be some sort of mechanism," she muttered, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Alex joined in the investigation, his hands running over the smooth surface of the door as he searched for any hidden switches or levers. "I don't see anything," he said, frustration creeping into his voice.

Meanwhile, Aria was observing the whole situation. "It looks like we're locked in," she stated, her tone matter-of-fact. "But why would someone lock us in? And how do we get out?"

Realizing they were stuck inside the caravan with no way to unlock the doors from the inside, the group felt a growing sense of unease. They exchanged worried looks and brainstormed frantically, feeling the urgency of their predicament. Despite their efforts, they couldn't find an obvious escape route, leaving them feeling trapped and anxious about what to do next.

The four now were silent. None of them dared to speak a word. Their phones were locked and now they were too. Wow! What a fate!

Aria got up from her seat with a sigh and came back with a glass of water in her hands. She began slowly sipping it, lost in her thoughts. She became so absent-minded that the only noise that brought her out of her dream world was the pang of the glass when it fell. Fortunately, it was a steel glass, so there was no chance of breaking.

She sighed even louder than before and reluctantly bent down to pick that glass up. While she was searching for the glass, her eyes caught some. It was under the bed and it was shining.

Forgetting all about the glass she touched it, and the curvy surface felt like steel. Unknowingly, she lifted it and was bewildered when a part of the floor also lifted along with it. Her breath hitched when she realized it was an opening.

She slowly got up and looked at the others who were staring at her. She said slowly, as if trying to process each word and syllable, and with disbelief, "I-it's a Hatch!"

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⊱Thank you for reading! ♡

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