Chapter 1

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it was 10am. 10am on a monday of all things. the curtains in the room were open wide, sunlight beaming into the large room and in taehyung's opinon, far to much sunlight.

"taehyung are you ready?" a distant voice can be heard through the pillow covering his face. "taehyung hurry up" the voice is now truly waking him up.

taehyung throws the pillow to the side and sighs loudly. "dad, i'm coming okay, just give me 5 minutes". withs a loud groan taehyung tosses his legs to the side of the bed and stumbles to his bathroom to get ready for his big day. he stares in the mirror whilst brushing his teeth, incoherently practicing some lines.

"hellow, mine name ish kim taehyungsh" he smiles, toothpaste froam brimming the corners of his mouth. instantly his smile drops and he grabs the sink basin and spits. he looks up athe mirror and sighs, "why did i agree to this?".


"sweetheart stop stressing, he will be down in a minute, he's probably just a bit nervous, you can't blame him".

"Ha-eun, he's already making a bad impression if he arrives late-" the man is cut off when he is deadpanned by his wife.

"you own the company. i highly doubt they will look down on the sexy Kim Do-yun's son" Ha-eun says with a flirtatious glimpse in her eyes while she adjusts her husbands tie"

"that's no excuse he-" yet again the mature aged man was cut off by his son walking down the stares mumbling "i'm here, i'm here, calm down".

Irene gave a small smile to her husband and embraced Tae in her arms. "I'm so proud of you Tae bear, you're going to do so well". Tae hugged her back softly, unable to withstand her comfort.

"Okay that enough, we are already late" Do-yun says gently grabbing his wifes arm and kissing her on the cheek. "He'll be fine, I'll see you tonight honey". And with that Taehyung and his father walk out of the large doors of their house and into those of their black SUV.

Taehyung's house was beautiful. His mother took pride in designing the most beautiful house for her family, especially considering she was one of the most talented in the Seoul region. From the gold plated door nobs to the marble kitchen counter tops, their house screamed sophistication. Taehyung on the other hand loved comfort. He loved sunlight and comfy bed sheets. His room was filled with travel trinkets and sketches of places from all around the world. His room was his safe space.

Taehyung sat in the back seat as his father and their driver sat at the front of the brand new BMW. Tae looked out the windows to see big skyscrapers, reminiscing on the times when he would visit his father at work with his mother. His father was never one to show much love, but he always knew he did. He was protective and only ever wanted Tae to succeed in life. That is why he decided that Tae must intern at his business whilst he on break from college. At the time Tae waved him off and agreed to shut him up. He wasn't in the mood for another life lesson and talking to about being an adult now. He had just turned 18 and in all honestly, all Taehyung wanted to do on break was sit in bed. But here he was.

As the car arrives outside the front of the building Taehyung stares up at the big sign "Kim enterprises". With yet another sigh he gets out of the car and follows his father, preparing to collect himself. He honestly just wanted to keep his head down and do what he needed to do to please his father. He looked at his phone that said 8:10am. "only 7hrs and 50mins left" he mumbled to himself. as he walked through the doors he watched as the staff bowed to his father. he gave small bows to each with a warm smile to which Do-yun did not appreciate.

He turned around sharply, "Taehyung stop bowing, you're embarrassing urself." Tae stood upright immediately, staying in his place for a few seconds as he watched his father retreat. With a small scurry he got in the elevator and waited patiently and silently as they made their way to the top floor.

"I have meetings all day so I can't babysit you Taehyung. I will show you to Jimin, my secretary so he can show you around." they walked out of the elevator and Tae stayed silent. His father turned around again. "Do you understand?".

Tae nodded. "Yes father". and with that they walked down the corridor whilst Tae glanced inside the glass office walls.

"Jimin" Do-yun said sternly.

"Good morning sir" the fellow blonde haired boy smiled and bowed.

"This is my son Taehyung. As you know, he will be interning here during his college break so I want you to show him around" Jimin nodded his head excitedly.

"Of course. Your meeting is set up at the end of the hall. Mr Min is running a few minutes late" Jimin said with a smile and bowed as Do-yun nodded and walked off.

"Hi! I'm Jimin!"'the short boy smiled extending his hand out to Taehyung.

"Uh, hi, I'm - Taehyung, but you can call me Tae" he said with a soft smile and shaking his hand. Jimin smiled even wider.

"Okay Tae, well we are a bit busy this morning considering it's a Monday" he said walking them down another hallway of offices. "We have a few important clients in today so I think it would be best if we start nice and simple so you can get comfortable" he said with a wide smile. tae appreciated this greatly, his nerves slowly easing. "has your dad really said what your job is tae?" taehyung shook his had gently in response as they stopped at the front of a set of double doors. "oh, well we basically are doing the same job, i've been here for a few months so i can help you out whenever you need" Jimin fishes out a keycard for Tae and hands it to him, which Tae takes with a smile. "I am your fathers assistant and you will be his partner's assistant" jimin ends with a smile and knocks on the door. I didn't know Dad had a business partner?

He breaks out of his thoughts when he hears a stern "yes? come in". jimin open the door and enters first. why is he nervous?

as he walks he looks around the large office. there is a large window that takes up the whole wall. he is in awe of the leather couches and the masculine aura. his eyes drift to the large mahogany desk. his eyes meet those of the one sitting there. taehyung halts in his steps. there sat a raven haired male adorned in a black business suit. he sat in his chair, eyes boring into Taehyung's. his mind goes blank. the world stops momentarily.

"Mr Jeon, this is Kim Taehyung, he is your new secretary" jimin says with a faltering smile while he bows. Tae is still staring, he hasn't even realised that he hasn't blinked yet. He is pulled away from his thoughts when jimin coughs and raises his eyebrows while bowing. Tae automatically bows and greets the stern man.

"Uh- yes- He-hello, my name is Kim Taehyung" he says, eyes now on the ground.

"I don't know why you are repeating yourselves, I don't need to hear your name twice" jungkook says, his tone full of frustration. "jimin, give these to Do-yun, our client from Busan needs to sign this"

"Of course Mr Jeon" Jimin says as he grabs the paperwork. He bows and leaves the room but not before giving Tae a small smile of encouragement. In a matter of moments, Tae is now alone with Jungkook in his office. The air is heavy and the room is deadly silent. Tae moves his eyes to Jungkook's again to find them piercing into soul again. He darts his eyes to the floor yet again our of fear and fiddles with his fingers that have now started to sweat"

"Look at me".

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