Explanation and Resolution

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Your alarm awakes you from Your slumber, blaring through your ears. You sit up with a tired expression, yawning as you get up out of bed. You walk to your bathroom to start your morning routine: first by washing your face, brushing your teeth and finally brushing your H/L H/C hair.

As you finish you walk to your closet to put on some comfortable clothes, since today is an off day. You also have been receiving messages from Mr. Silva about the mission he assigned you. You reply with "I'm working on it." You can always get time to build a closer bond with Wattson and Horizon, but today you wanna focus on Crypto. Explaining everything to him would fix your relationship with him, and hopefully he will understand and possibly help you out of this mess, keeping you from losing the friends and lover that you had made over the past year.

Meanwhile, you walk out your door and head down to the bar to get a snack. Considering that you did sleep in due to being off from the games. As you walk to the elevator and press the down button, you wait patiently on your phone. As you hear the elevator arrive, you step in. Not long after you see someone else walk in with you, that person being Crypto. As you hit the button to the ground floor, you both stand there in silence. Until it's broken by you. "Can we talk later, I have some things to explain to you." "Explain? Tch, I doubt you can explain about what you've done." Crypto says with a sly remark. "Look, I just need you to hear me out. You don't even need to forgive me if you don't want to, but just hear me out please Tae." You say. There it is, hearing his name roll off your tongue made him melt, opting him to make the decision to hear you out. "Fine, meet me in my room later tonight. You have an hour to explain everything to me", he says as the doors of the elevator opens and he walks out. You follow behind him heading towards the same destination. You then walk to the bar and sit on a stool.

Mirage appears infront of you with a smile, "well hello beautiful lady, what could a handsome gentleman like myself get you this afternoon?" "Hm let's see, how about a nice grilled cheese with tomato soup?" You ask. "Anything for the beautiful lady." He winks at you then walks to the kitchen to make your food.A couple of mins pass by and you're enjoying your food with Mirage as company. You two joked and laughed together, soon Wattson and Horizon joined the mix. Time passes again and you guys have been talking for hours, while simultaneously gathering information on what they knew and reported it to Silva. You guys wrap up the conversation about Mirage getting walked in on by Revenant while singing. As you say your goodbyes, you head to Crypto's room. You now process everything. You're about to talk to him again. You can't help but feel nervous, but you have to talk to him. You need to. As you arrive infront of his door, you knock. You hear shuffling from behind the door before it opens. You see crypto standing in the doorway in a black tank top and sweat pants. His hair damp with a towel wrapped around his neck.

He stares you down as he moves to let you in. You quickly walk in and he shuts the door. You take in the scenery of his room, remembering all the times you used to spend in here with him. You sit down on his bed and he sits infront of you in his chair. "Explain everything", he says as his eyes are dead set on you. With a blank and cold expression. "Tae...", You start. There it is again, his name coming from your lips. Even if he won't admit it, he misses you so much. But can't forget what you did to him, after he told you almost everything. "I know you're mad at me, and this past year you have been there for me through it all. Same with everyone else. But the Syndicate have me on a leash right now." You said. "What do you mean leash?" He asked confused. "I had to choose either to work with them and save my parents, or not work with them and choose you. And if i chose you, they would kill my parents. I'm not supposed to tell you any of this because your life is on the line. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner and I hope-". Before you could finish, Crypto's arms wrap around you into a tight embrace. You hug him back, wrapping your arms around him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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